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"Shanghai": "เซยงไฮ", "Do you realy want to replace \"{0}\"?": "Do you really want to replace \"{0}\"?", "Lock All Drawing Tools": "ลอครปวาดทงหมด", "SUCCESS": "สำเรจ", "Tokyo": "โตเกยว", "Default": "คาเรมตน", "Indicators, Fundamentals, Economy and Add-ons": "ดชนด, พนฐาน, ขอมลเศรษฐกจ และ อนๆ", "Price Oscillator_study": "Price Oscillator", "Price Line": "เสนราคา", "Properties...": "ตงคา...", "Measure (Shift + Click on the chart)": "เครองมอวด (Shift + คลก ลงบนกราฟ)", "Zoom Out": "ขยายออก", "MA Cross_study": "MA Cross", "Net Volume_study": "Net Volume", "Visual Order": "ลำดบการมองเหน", "Bollinger Bands Width_study": "Bollinger Bands Width", "retrying": "กำลงโหลด..", "pre-market": "pre-open", "True Strength Indicator_study": "True Strength Indicator", "Normal": "ปกต", "Objects Tree...": "ขอมลบนกราฟ...", "Compare": "เปรยบเทยบ", "Add Symbol": "เพมสญลกษณ", "Zoom In": "ขยายเขา", "Sep": "กนยา", "Text": "ตวอกษร", "Text Wrap": "บงคบใหวหนงสออยในขอบเขตทกำหนด", "Do you realy want to delete theme": 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"Williams Alligator_study": "Williams Alligator", "Remove": "ลบ", "Arrow Mark Up": "ลกศรขน", "day": "วน", "1. 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