You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
319 lines
9.7 KiB
319 lines
9.7 KiB
//1、每个页面写自己的国际化语言变量,例子: |
var langues = { |
zh_CN: { |
title: '行情', |
price: '价格', |
all: '全部', |
change: '涨跌幅', |
favorites: "自选", |
fullMarket:'全部' |
}, |
zh_HK: { |
title: '行情', |
price: '價格', |
all: '全部', |
change: '漲跌幅', |
favorites: " 自選", |
fullMarket:'全部' |
}, |
en_US: { |
title: 'Market', |
price: 'Price', |
all: 'All', |
change: 'Change', |
favorites: "Favorites", |
fullMarket:'All' |
} |
}; |
//2、页面上所有需要国际化的文字,包括提示,都通过Vue去引用,例子: |
var langueKey = app.getLanguageLocalStorage(); //获取国际化语种 |
var langue = langues[langueKey]; // 获取国际化语种数据 |
var dataInfo = new Vue({ |
el: "#js-data-info", |
data: { |
langue: langue, |
marketList: [] |
} |
}) |
//3、每个页面都需要加上以下的方法: |
window.addEventListener('switchLangueData', function(e) { |
//dataInfo为Vue对象的名称 |
dataInfo.langue = langues[e.detail]; |
}); |
var currencysObj = {}; |
var choiceMarketsObj; |
console.log=function(){} |
mui.plusReady(function() { |
initData(); |
listener(); |
}); |
function initData() { |
choiceMarketsObj = app.getLocalStorage(app.marketChoiceKey); |
if(JSON.stringify(choiceMarketsObj) != "{}"){ |
document.getElementById("choice-item").classList.add("mui-active"); |
document.getElementById("choice").classList.add("mui-active"); |
}else{ |
document.getElementById("USDT-item").classList.add("mui-active"); |
document.getElementById("USDT").classList.add("mui-active"); |
} |
getMarkets(); |
} |
function listener() { |
setWebsocket(); |
/** |
* 监听行情改变事件 |
*/ |
window.addEventListener("marketChange", function(event) { |
var changeData = event.detail; |
if(changeData.type == 'deal') { //成交 |
getChangeMarket(changeData.unitName + '-' + changeData.coinName) |
} else { //盘口 |
var infoPage = plus.webview.getWebviewById('market_info.html'); |
if(infoPage) { |
|, "depthChange", changeData); |
} |
} |
}); |
/** |
* 监听自选改变事件 |
*/ |
window.addEventListener("marketChoice", function(event) { |
var currencyPair = event.detail; |
choiceMarketsObj = app.getLocalStorage(app.marketChoiceKey); |
if(choiceMarketsObj[currencyPair]){ |
var currencys = currencyPair.split('-'); |
var marketObj = currencysObj[currencys[1]][currencys[0]].marketObj; |
var choiceLi = getLiDocument(marketObj,currencys,'choice-'); |
document.getElementById("market-choice-ul").appendChild(choiceLi); |
setMarket(marketObj,'choice-'); |
liListener(choiceLi, marketObj.currencyPair); |
}else{ |
document.getElementById('choice-' + currencyPair + '-market-li').remove(); |
} |
}); |
/** |
* 汇率改变事件 |
*/ |
window.addEventListener("exchangeRate", function(event) { |
initData(); |
}); |
/** |
* 首页自选跳转 |
*/ |
window.addEventListener("choiceTab", function(event) { |
var current = document.querySelector(".mui-control-item.mui-active"); |
var dom = document.getElementById('choice-item'); |
if(dom !== current) { |
current.classList.remove('mui-active'); |
dom.classList.add('mui-active'); |
document.querySelector(".mui-control-content.mui-active").classList.remove('mui-active'); |
document.getElementById('choice').classList.add('mui-active'); |
} |
}); |
} |
function setWebsocket(){ |
console.log=function(){} |
var socket = new SockJS(app.currencyBaseUrl + "/websocket"); |
var stompClient = Stomp.over(socket); |
stompClient.connect({}, function(frame) { |
//订阅讲座消息 |
stompClient.subscribe('/topic/market', function(greeting) { |
var obj = JSON.parse(greeting.body); |
var currencys = obj.currencyPair.split('-'); |
if(JSON.stringify(currencysObj) == '{}'){ |
initData(); |
} |
if(currencysObj[currencys[1]] && currencysObj[currencys[1]][currencys[0]]){ |
currencysObj[currencys[1]][currencys[0]].marketObj = obj; |
setMarket(obj,'base-'); |
if(choiceMarketsObj[obj.currencyPair]){ |
setMarket(obj,'choice-'); |
} |
sendChangeDataToView(obj); |
} |
}); |
}); |
socket.onclose = function() { |
setWebsocket(); |
}; |
} |
function getChangeMarket(currencyPair) { |
var url = app.currencyBaseUrl + "market/get?currencyPair=" + currencyPair; |
mui.ajax(url, { |
type: "GET", |
dataType: "json", |
success: function(j) { |
if(j.code == 200) { |
var currencys = currencyPair.split('-'); |
currencysObj[currencys[1]][currencys[0]].marketObj =; |
setMarket(,'base-'); |
if(choiceMarketsObj[]){ |
setMarket(,'choice-'); |
} |
sendChangeDataToView( |
} else {} |
}, |
error: function(xhr, type, errorThrown) { |
console.log(type) |
} |
}); |
} |
function getMarkets() { |
var url = app.currencyBaseUrl + "market/getList"; |
mui.ajax(url, { |
type: "GET", |
dataType: "json", |
success: function(j) { |
if(j.code == 200) { |
var markets =; |
for(var index in markets) { |
setLiDocument(markets[index]); |
app.setLocalStorage(app.marketKey + markets[index].currencyPair, markets[index]); |
} |
sendDataToView(); |
} else {} |
}, |
error: function(xhr, type, errorThrown) { |
console.log(type) |
} |
}); |
} |
function getMarket(currencyObj) { |
var now = new Date(); |
var timestamp = app.formatDate(now.getTime()); |
var currencyName = currencyObj.currencyName; |
var currencyPair = currencyObj.currencyPair; |
} |
function setMarket(marketObj,id) { |
var currencyName = marketObj.currencyPair; |
document.getElementById(id + currencyName + '-total').innerText = '24H '+app.formatValue(; |
var marketEl = document.getElementById(id + currencyName + '-market'); |
marketEl.innerHTML = '<span class="price1">'+app.formatValue(marketObj.amount)+'</span>'+ |
'<span class="price2">' + app.formatValue(marketObj[app.getExchangeRateLocalStorage().toLowerCase() + 'Amount'] * marketObj.amount) + ' ' + app.getExchangeRateLocalStorage() +'</span>'; |
var percentEl = document.getElementById(id + currencyName + '-percent'); |
marketObj.percent = marketObj.percent; |
if(marketObj.percent < 0) { |
percentEl.innerText = parseFloat(marketObj.percent * 100).toFixed(2) + '%'; |
percentEl.classList.remove('app-coin-percent-up'); |
percentEl.classList.remove('app-coin-percent-down'); |
percentEl.classList.add('app-coin-percent-down'); |
} else { |
percentEl.innerText = '+' + parseFloat(marketObj.percent * 100).toFixed(2) + '%'; |
percentEl.classList.remove('app-coin-percent-down'); |
percentEl.classList.remove('app-coin-percent-up'); |
percentEl.classList.add('app-coin-percent-up'); |
} |
} |
function setLiDocument(marketObj) { |
var currencys = marketObj.currencyPair.split('-'); |
var li = getLiDocument(marketObj,currencys,'base-'); |
var ul = document.getElementById(currencys[1] + "-ul"); |
if(!ul){ |
var a = document.createElement('a'); |
| = currencys[1] + '-item'; |
a.className = "mui-control-item"; |
a.href = '#' + currencys[1]; |
a.innerHTML = currencys[1]; |
document.getElementById("sliderSegmentedControl").appendChild(a); |
var div = document.createElement('div'); |
| = currencys[1]; |
div.className = "mui-control-content"; |
document.getElementById("app-scroll").appendChild(div); |
ul = document.createElement('ul'); |
| = currencys[1] + "-ul"; |
ul.className = "dapp-table-view mui-table-view"; |
div.appendChild(ul); |
} |
ul.appendChild(li); |
setMarket(marketObj,'base-'); |
if(!currencysObj[currencys[1]]) { |
currencysObj[currencys[1]] = {}; |
} |
var currencyObj = { |
'marketObj': marketObj, |
'title': currencys[0] + '/' + currencys[1], |
'basecoin': currencys[1], |
'coin': currencys[0] |
} |
currencysObj[currencys[1]][currencys[0]] = currencyObj; |
liListener(li, marketObj.currencyPair); |
if(choiceMarketsObj[marketObj.currencyPair]){ |
var choiceLi = getLiDocument(marketObj,currencys,'choice-'); |
document.getElementById("market-choice-ul").appendChild(choiceLi); |
setMarket(marketObj,'choice-'); |
liListener(choiceLi, marketObj.currencyPair); |
} |
} |
function getLiDocument(marketObj,currencys,id){ |
var li = document.createElement("li"); |
| = id + marketObj.currencyPair + '-market-li'; |
li.className = 'dapp-table-view-cell mui-table-view-cell mui-media'; |
li.innerHTML = '<div class="dapp-market-info">' + |
'<span class="name1">' + currencys[0] + '<span class="dapp-market-currency">/' + currencys[1] + '</span>'+ |
'</span><span id="'+id + marketObj.currencyPair + '-total" class="name2"></span>'+ |
'</div>' + |
'<div id="'+id + marketObj.currencyPair + '-market" class="dapp-market-info"></div>' + |
'<div id="'+id + marketObj.currencyPair + '-percent" class="dapp-market-percent "></div>'; |
return li; |
} |
function liListener(li, currencyPair) { |
li.addEventListener('tap', function() { |
openMarketInfo(currencyPair); |
}); |
} |
function openMarketInfo(currencyPair) { |
var data = { |
currencysObj: currencysObj, |
currencyPair: currencyPair, |
choiceMarketsObj: choiceMarketsObj |
} |
app.openWin('market_info.html', 'market_info.html', null, data); |
} |
/** |
* 把行情数据推送到其它窗口 |
*/ |
function sendDataToView() { |
var homePage = plus.webview.getWebviewById('html/home/html/home.html'); |
|, "marketList", currencysObj); |
var cctPage = plus.webview.getWebviewById('html/cct/html/cct_index.html'); |
|, "marketList", currencysObj); |
var walletPage = plus.webview.getWebviewById('html/wallet/html/wallet.html'); |
|, "marketList", currencysObj); |
} |
/** |
* 把新行情数据推送到其它窗口 |
* @param {Object} data |
*/ |
function sendChangeDataToView(data) { |
var homePage = plus.webview.getWebviewById('html/home/html/home.html'); |
|, "marketChange", data); |
sendDataToView(); |
var infoPage = plus.webview.getWebviewById('market_info.html'); |
if (infoPage) { |
|, "marketChange", data); |
} |
var cctPage = plus.webview.getWebviewById('html/cct/html/cct_index.html'); |
if (cctPage) { |
|, "marketChange", data); |
} |
} |