var dataBase = { "zh_CN": { DeletText: "删除", NotarizeText2: "确定", ColseText: "取消", SendSucceed: "发送成功:", SendError: "发送失败:", JinYanEvent: "禁言", CopyEvent: "复制", FanYiEvent: "翻译", SeleceAll: "多选", FooterSend: "发送", ChatToast1: "登陆后才可以发送消息", ChatToast2: "输入有误", ChatToast3: "禁言成功", ChatToast4: "聊天初始化失败", PromptText1: "请输入禁言时间(分钟):", PromptText2: "请输入数字", MsgText1: "附加信息", ChatInfo1: "超时", ChatInfo2: "未知错误", ChatInfo3: "在黑名单中,无法向对方发送消息", ChatInfo4: "不在讨论组中", ChatInfo5: "不在群组中", ChatInfo6: "不在聊天室中", ChatInfo7: "您被禁言", CopySuccess: "复制成功" }, "en_US": { DeletText: "Delete", NotarizeText2: "Confirm", ColseText: "Colse", SendSucceed: "Send Succeed,", SendError: "Send Error,", JinYanEvent: "ProhibitSpeak", CopyEvent: "Copy", FanYiEvent: "Eranslate", SeleceAll: "MultiSelect", FooterSend: "Send", ChatToast1: "The message can only be sent after logging in", ChatToast2: "Input error", ChatToast3: "It successfully", ChatToast4: "Chat initialization failed", PromptText1: "Please enter silence for a few minutes :", PromptText2: "Please enter a number", MsgText1: "overhead information ", ChatInfo1: "over time", ChatInfo2: "unknown error", ChatInfo3: "A message cannot be sent to the other party in the blacklist", ChatInfo4: "Not in the discussion group", ChatInfo5: "Not in the group", ChatInfo6: "Not in groups not in chat rooms", ChatInfo7: "You have been banned", CopySuccess: "Successful Copy" } };