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122 lines
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5 years ago
* 弹框工厂方法
* @param {Document} btn 触发对象
* @param {Function} fun 回调方法
* @param {Function} showFun 打开前的回调方法
function getAlertFactory(btn, fun, showFun) {
* 弹框工具方法
* @param {Document} btn 按钮
* @param {Function} fun 回调方法
* @param {Function} showFun 打开前的回调方法
function AlertUtil(btn, fun, showFun) {
this.btn = btn; // 按钮对象
var main = this.initPass(btn);
| =; // 显示方法
this.hide = main.hide; // 隐藏方法
this.affirm = fun; // 回调方法
this.showCheck = showFun || true; // 显示前回调
* 弹框语言
AlertUtil.prototype.langues = {
zh_CN: {
title: "密码确认框",
inputTitle: "密码:",
btn: "确 认",
inputalert: "请输入密码"
zh_HK: {
title: "密碼確認框",
inputTitle: "密碼:",
btn: "確 認",
inputalert: "請輸入密碼"
en_US: {
title: "Password confirmation box",
inputTitle: "Password: ",
btn: "Confirm ",
inputalert: "Please enter your password"
* 初始化密码弹框
* @param {Document} btn按钮
AlertUtil.prototype.initPass = function(btn) {
var alertUtil = this;
var confirm = document.createElement('div');
confirm.setAttribute("class", "mui-popover mui-popover-action confirm");
confirm.setAttribute("style", "width: auto !important;height: 3.6rem;border-radius: 4px;position: fixed;top: 30%;left: 20px;right: 20px;background: #fff;border-radius: .2rem;z-index: 999999;border: 1px solid #F5F5F5;");
confirm.innerHTML = "<form class=\"input-group\" style=\"position: relative;text-align: center;overflow: hidden;\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"title-top js-title-top\" style=\"height: .8rem;border-bottom: 1px solid #F5F5F5;line-height: .8rem;color: #0F1826;\">\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"mui-input-row\" style=\"padding: 0 .3rem; margin-top: .4rem;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<label class=\"confirm-password js-confirm-password\" style=\"font-size: 16px;font-weight: 400;color: #0F1826;text-align: left;padding: 0;margin-bottom: .17rem;\"></label>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"password\" class=\"mui-input-password js-pass\" style=\"height: 45px;width: 100%;font-size: 16px;height: .6rem;border: none;background-color: #f5f5f5;color: #000;padding-left: .2rem;\" >\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"mui-icon mui-icon-eye\" style=\"top: .6rem;right: .29rem;\"></span>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"mui-button-row\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<button type=\"button\" class=\"mui-btn mui-btn-primary js-btn\" style=\"font-size: 18px;width: 89%;height: .6rem;background: linear-gradient(90deg, #ff9d00 0%, #dd524d 100%);border-radius: 4px;border: 1px solid #dd524d;margin-top: .3rem;\"></button>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</form>";
var titleDom = confirm.getElementsByClassName('js-title-top')[0];
var inputTitleDom = confirm.getElementsByClassName('js-confirm-password')[0];
var passInput = confirm.getElementsByClassName('js-pass')[0];
var saveBtn = confirm.getElementsByClassName('js-btn')[0];
var muiConfirm = mui(confirm);
var isShowEvent = true;
btn.addEventListener('tap', function() {
if(isShowEvent) {
isShowEvent = false;
setTimeout(function() {
isShowEvent = true;
}, 1000)
if(typeof alertUtil.showCheck == 'function') {
var isShow = alertUtil.showCheck();
if(isShow != null && isShow == false) {
return false;
var isEvent = true;
saveBtn.addEventListener('tap', function() {
if(typeof alertUtil.affirm == 'function') {
if(isEvent) {
isEvent = false;
var isHide = alertUtil.affirm(passInput.value);
if(!(isHide === false)) {
passInput.value = "";
setTimeout(function() {
isEvent = true;
}, 1000)
} else {
throw new Error("你没有定义提交方法");
* 国际化渲染
function langueFun() {
var key = app.getLanguageLocalStorage();
titleDom.innerText = alertUtil.langues[key].title;
inputTitleDom.innerText = alertUtil.langues[key].inputTitle;
saveBtn.innerText = alertUtil.langues[key].btn;
passInput.setAttribute("placeholder", alertUtil.langues[key].inputalert);
return {
show: function() {
hide: function() {
return new AlertUtil(btn, fun, showFun);