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zh_CN: {
home: '首页',
market: '法币',
trade: '币币',
wallet: '钱包',
my: '我的'
zh_HK: {
home: '首頁',
market: '法幣',
trade: '交易',
wallet: '錢包',
my: '我的'
en_US: {
home: 'Home',
market: 'OTC',
trade: 'Trade',
wallet: 'Wallet',
my: 'My'
var langueKey = app.getLanguageLocalStorage(); //获取国际化语种
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langue: langue
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dataInfo.langue = langues[e.detail];
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// console.log('click')
// console.log(JSON.stringify(msg));
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// switch(msg.payload) {
// case "LocalMSG":
// //本地推送 TODO
// break;
// default:
// //其他推送 TODO
// break;
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// // app.openWin('html/OTC/html/payment.html', 'html/OTC/html/payment.html', {}, {
// // orderId: orderId
// // });
// });
// var aa = {
// "payload": {
// "orderId": "a5ad7f03-f527-4e84-92c6-77f423b047f5"
// },
// "title": "HBuilder",
// "content": "用户15626293961已确认付款,请尽快处理!",
// "type": "click",
// "aps": {
// "badge": 1,
// "alert": {
// "body": "用户15626293961已确认付款,请尽快处理!"
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// console.log('receive')
// console.log(JSON.stringify(msg));
// var jsonMsg = getPayLoad(msg);
// createLocalPushMsg(jsonMsg)
// }, false);
// /***
// * 是否已登录
// */
// function checkIsLogin() {
// if(JSON.stringify(app.getUserLocalStorage()) == "{}") {
// app.openWin('mine/html/wallet_login.html', 'mine/html/wallet_login.html');
// }
// }
// /***
// * 解析透传数据
// */
// function getPayLoad(msg) {
// //是否存在透传数据
// if(msg.payload) {
// if(typeof(msg.payload) == 'string') {
// return JSON.parse(msg.payload);
// }
// if(typeof(msg.payload) == 'JSON') {
// return msg.payload;
// }
// } else {
// //不存在payload参数
// return null;
// }
// }
// /**
// * 本地创建一条推送消息
// */
// function createLocalPushMsg(msg) {
// var options = {
// cover: false,
// icon: 'yanhuo_logo.jpg',
// title: msg.title,
// };
// plus.push.createMessage(msg.content, "{orderId: 'a5ad7f03-f527-4e84-92c6-77f423b047f5'}", options);
// }
* 权限管理方法
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return rootFunMap(value, index);
function rootFunMap(value, index) {
var mapFun = {
LONGIN: function() {
if(isLogin()) return true;
var loginView = app.openWin("mine/html/wallet_login.html", "mine/html/wallet_login.html");
loginView.addEventListener("close", function() {
return false;
function isLogin() {
var userInfo = app.getUserLocalStorage();
return JSON.stringify(userInfo) != "{}";
if(value in mapFun) {
return mapFun[value]();
} else {
return true;
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mui.trigger(dom, 'tap');
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* 获取上次页面的索引
* @param {Object} val
function getIndex(val) {
for(var i = 0; i < subpages.length; i++) {
if(subpages[i] == val) return i;