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linkName: '无', + connectionType: 1, + columnId: [], + articleId: '', + linkAddress : '', + site: '', + otherColumnId: [], + otherArticleId: '', + isOpen: 1 + }, + isEnable: 1 + } + ] + }, + { + type: 'form', + forms: [ + { + type: 'input', + prop: 'title', + label: '标题', + required: true + }, + { + type: 'textarea', + prop: 'des', + label: '描述' + } + ], + form: { + title: '超导直线加速器-1', + des: `Superconducting linac -1` + } + }, { type: 'form', forms: [ @@ -4892,6 +4969,328 @@ export default { des: `主加速器基于超导连续波工作模式,采用三级加速、两级压缩的结构,将电子束团能量提高到2.5 GeV;同时在保持横向发射度不变的情况下,将电子束长度从几皮秒压缩到几十飞秒,峰值流强提升到800 A以上。相比基于常温加速技术的高增益FEL,超导直线加速器技术可以有效提高电子束流的重复频率,实现最高每秒106脉冲输出(常温加速技术为~102脉冲/秒),进而大幅度提高FEL激光的平均功率。` } }, + { + type: 'form', + forms: [ + { + type: 'input', + prop: 'title', + label: '标题', + required: true + }, + { + type: 'upload', + prop: 'pic', + label: '图片', + required: true + }, + ], + form: { + title: 'S³FEL超导直线加速器示意图', + pic: '', + } + }, + { + type: 'form', + forms: [ + { + type: 'input', + prop: 'title', + label: '标题', + required: true + }, + { + type: 'upload', + prop: 'pic', + label: '图片', + required: true + }, + ], + form: { + title: 'S³FEL超导直线加速器性能指标', + pic: '', + } + }, + ], + deviceIntroLayout: [ + { + type: 'introduce', + forms: [ + { + type: 'upload', + prop: 'pic', + label: '图片', + required: true, + crop: false + }, + { + type: 'input', + prop: 'title', + label: '标题', + required: true + }, + { + type: 'link', + prop: 'link', + label: '链接' + } + ], + form: { + pic: '', + title: '', + link: { + linkName: '无', + connectionType: 1, + columnId: [], + articleId: '', + linkAddress : '', + site: '', + otherColumnId: [], + otherArticleId: '', + isOpen: 1 + }, + isEnable: 1 + }, + list: [ + { + pic: '', + title: '装置介绍', + link: { + linkName: '无', + connectionType: 1, + columnId: [], + articleId: '', + linkAddress : '', + site: '', + otherColumnId: [], + otherArticleId: '', + isOpen: 1 + }, + isEnable: 1 + } + ] + }, + { + type: 'form', + forms: [ + { + type: 'input', + prop: 'title', + label: '标题', + required: true + }, + { + type: 'input', + prop: 'subTitle', + label: '小标题' + }, + { + type: 'editor', + prop: 'des', + label: '描述' + } + ], + form: { + title: '整体布局', + subTitle: `The overall layout`, + des: `S³FEL装置主要包括一台超导直线加速器(电子束能量为2.5 GeV、重复频率为1 MHz)、4条波荡器线及首批14个实验线站。根据具体的功能可以分为注入器、主加速器、自由电子激光放大器(波荡器线)、光束线和实验站,还有包括束流诊断、控制、激光、同步、数据采集与处理等在内的公共子系统,以及低温、公用设施等配套系统和设施。`, + } + }, + { + type: 'form', + forms: [ + { + type: 'editor', + prop: 'des', + label: '描述' + }, + { + type: 'upload', + prop: 'pic', + label: '图片', + required: true + }, + ], + form: { + des: ` S³FEL首批拟建设4条波荡器线,分别是2条外种子(EEHG)线和2条自放大自发辐射(SASE)线,以同时满足首批实验站的不同研究需求。按照能区划分,FEL-1、FEL-2工作在自放大自发辐射模式(SASE),并且为将来升级为self-seeding模式预留空间。FEL-1出光波段为1-3 nm(调整电子束能量时可覆盖1-6 nm),FEL-2输出光波长为2.3-15 nm,作为光刻研究专用光束线。FEL-3和4基于回声型谐波产生原理(EEHG),FEL-3输出波长为2.3-15 nm,涵盖水窗波段,FEL-4输出波长为5-30 nm的极紫外FEL脉冲。通过快速束流分配技术,波荡器束线可同时工作。各条波荡器线产生的FEL光,通过光束线系统实现FEL光学参数的实时诊断,包括光强、光谱、光斑位置,光斑尺寸以及相干性等,并通过传输与聚焦系统传输至后端的实验站,以满足各个实验站对光源的不同需求。首批建设实验站共涉及6个前沿科技领域,分别为极紫外光刻、量子材料、能源催化、生物医药、大气与星际科学以及原子分子科学。`, + pic: '', + } + }, + { + type: 'form', + forms: [ + { + type: 'upload', + prop: 'pic', + label: '图片', + required: true + }, + ], + form: { + pic: '', + } + }, + { + type: 'form', + forms: [ + { + type: 'input', + prop: 'title', + label: '标题', + required: true + }, + { + type: 'upload', + prop: 'pic', + label: '图片', + required: true + }, + ], + form: { + title: 'S³FEL性能指标', + pic: '', + } + }, + ], + deviceIntroBeam: [ + { + type: 'introduce', + forms: [ + { + type: 'upload', + prop: 'pic', + label: '图片', + required: true, + crop: false + }, + { + type: 'input', + prop: 'title', + label: '标题', + required: true + }, + { + type: 'link', + prop: 'link', + label: '链接' + } + ], + form: { + pic: '', + title: '', + link: { + linkName: '无', + connectionType: 1, + columnId: [], + articleId: '', + linkAddress : '', + site: '', + otherColumnId: [], + otherArticleId: '', + isOpen: 1 + }, + isEnable: 1 + }, + list: [ + { + pic: '', + title: '装置介绍', + link: { + linkName: '无', + connectionType: 1, + columnId: [], + articleId: '', + linkAddress : '', + site: '', + otherColumnId: [], + otherArticleId: '', + isOpen: 1 + }, + isEnable: 1 + } + ] + }, + { + type: 'form', + forms: [ + { + type: 'input', + prop: 'title', + label: '标题', + required: true + }, + { + type: 'editor', + prop: 'des', + label: '描述' + } + ], + form: { + title: '光束线', + des: `The beam line`, + } + }, + { + type: 'form', + forms: [ + { + type: 'input', + prop: 'title', + label: '标题', + required: true + }, + { + type: 'editor', + prop: 'des', + label: '描述' + }, + { + type: 'upload', + prop: 'pic', + label: '图片', + required: true + }, + ], + form: { + title: 'S³FEL光束线覆盖的波段范围为1~30 nm,包含前端区、光学传输系统和诊断系统,是连接自由电子激光光源和后端科学实验站的桥梁。', + des: `光束线的作用是将光源发出的超快、全相干、高亮度的激光高效地传输到实验站样品处,并在传输过程中对FEL脉冲进行频谱诊断、脉冲能量诊断、光斑位置诊断、光斑横向分布诊断、脉冲到达时间诊断、波前诊断、偏振诊断等。同时根据后端实验站的不同科学需求,可进一步对FEL脉冲进行单色化、脉冲能量衰减、横向光斑微聚焦等。`, + pic: '', + } + }, + { + type: 'form', + forms: [ + { + type: 'editor', + prop: 'des', + label: '描述' + }, + ], + form: { + des: `波荡器是S³FEL光束线的关键部件,由一系列N极和S极交替排列的磁铁阵列构成,是一种能够产生空间周期性分布磁场的电磁装置。被超导直线加速器加速的高能电子束经过波荡器时,将扭摆状波荡前行。通过合理选择电子束和波荡器的参数,可使电子束在每个波动周期内与波荡器发出的同步辐射相互干涉,以获得超高亮度、强相干、高重频的X射线自由电子激光。`, + } + }, + { + type: 'form', + forms: [ + { + type: 'input', + prop: 'title', + label: '标题', + required: true + }, + { + type: 'upload', + prop: 'pic', + label: '图片', + required: true + }, + ], + form: { + title: '波荡器性能指标', + pic: '', + } + }, ], overviewSetup: [ { @@ -5661,7 +6060,7 @@ export default { label: '链接' }, { - type: 'textarea', + type: 'editor', prop: 'des', label: '描述' } diff --git a/src/pages/article/add/index.vue b/src/pages/article/add/index.vue index fb45a00..20486fe 100644 --- a/src/pages/article/add/index.vue +++ b/src/pages/article/add/index.vue @@ -844,9 +844,6 @@ export default { this.getTemplate() }, methods: { - removerData() { - console.log(9999999) - }, // 获取栏目 getList() { this.$post(this.api.listWithTree, { @@ -913,7 +910,6 @@ export default { if (data.articleTemplate === 24 && data.connectionType !== 2 && data.linkAddress) { const columnArticle = data.linkAddress.split('-') const column = columnArticle[0].split(',').map(e => +e) - console.log("🚀 ~ file: index.vue:737 ~ this.$post ~ columnArticle", column) const article = columnArticle[1] || '' // 获取文章id(文章id是附在linkAddress最后面的-后面的数字) const { connectionType } = data diff --git a/src/pages/article/list/index.vue b/src/pages/article/list/index.vue index 7aaab08..5be8d5b 100644 --- a/src/pages/article/list/index.vue +++ b/src/pages/article/list/index.vue @@ -3,7 +3,11 @@


- + + + {{ node.label }} + +
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