You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

269 lines
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<div class="footer">
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{{ site == 1 ?
'0755-21096026' :
site == 5 || site == 6 ?
'0755-21096067' :
site == 3 || site == 4 ?
'0755-21096052' :
'0755-21096000' }}
<div class="line">
<img class="icon"
{{ site == 1 ?
'std@mail.iasf.ac.cn' :
site == 5 || site == 6 ?
'srgcb@mail.iasf.ac.cn' :
site == 3 || site == 4 ?
'FEL@mail.iasf.ac.cn' :
'gad@mail.iasf.ac.cn' }}
<div v-if="site == 1 || site == 2"
<div class="item">
<img class="qrcode"
<p class="text">官方公众号</p>
<div class="item">
<img class="qrcode"
<p class="text">官方微信</p>
<div class="copyright">Copyright ©深圳综合粒子设施研究院 粤ICP备2020131940号 粤公安网34565432456765432号</div>
import mixins from '@/mixins/article'
export default {
mixins: [mixins],
data () {
return {
isIasf: false,
showDefaultPath: ['/home', '/iasf', '/estate/index'], // 展示默认页脚的页面
showContactPath: ['/news', '/sfel', '/talent', '/about', '/careers', '/edu', '/news'], // 展示联系我们页脚的页面
columns: [],
modules: []
computed: {
// 是否是sfel网站
isSfel () {
const id = this.$route.query.siteId || this.$store.state.content.site
return id == 3
watch: {
'$route': {
handler () {
if (this.$route.path === '/iasf') {
this.isIasf = true
deep: true,
immediate: true
mounted () {
methods: {
// 资讯
getColumn () {
this.$post(this.api.listWithTreeMenuVisible, {
siteId: this.$route.query.siteId || this.$store.state.content.site,
columnName: '',
templateId: '',
typeId: '',
isSort: 1
}).then(({ data }) => {
// this.columns = data.slice(0, 5)
this.columns = data
}).catch(err => { })
// 获取iasf中文首页应用模块数据
getInfo () {
// 预览/详情
this.$post(`${this.api[this.preview ? 'getRedisCache' : 'findPage']}?columnId=${this.$route.query.id}`).then(({ data }) => {
if (data.length) {
// state:已发布(1)则取theEditedJson,草稿(0)则取jsonBeforeEditing
const json = JSON.parse(this.preview ?
data :
data[data.length - 1][data[data.length - 1].state ? 'theEditedJson' : 'jsonBeforeEditing'])
this.modules = json
}).catch(err => { })
// 判断是否有添加链接
isLink (linkName) {
return linkName !== '无' && linkName !== ''
// 打开链接
async openLink (item) {
const { link } = item
if (link.linkName === '无' || link.linkName === '') return false
let href = link.linkAddress
const type = link.connectionType
if (type === 1) { // 站内链接
if (link.articleId) { // 文章
// 查询文章详情。禁用的文章要提示
const data = await this.$post(`${this.api.findArticle}?id=${link.articleId}`)
if (data.data.isDisable) {
return Util.errorMsg('该文章已禁用!')
} else {
href = '/article?articleId=' + link.articleId
} else { // 栏目
href = '/column?id=' + link.columnId[link.columnId.length - 1]
href += '&siteId=' + (this.site)
if (!link.articleId) href = this.$router.resolve(href).href
} else if (type === 3) { // 站外链接
if (link.otherArticleId) { // 文章
// 查询文章详情。禁用的文章要提示
const data = await this.$post(`${this.api.findArticle}?id=${link.otherArticleId}`)
if (data.data.isDisable) {
return Util.errorMsg('该文章已禁用!')
} else {
href = '/article?articleId=' + link.otherArticleId
} else { // 栏目
href = '/column?id=' + link.otherColumnId[link.otherColumnId.length - 1]
href += '&siteId=' + link.site
if (!link.otherArticleId) href = this.$router.resolve(href).href
// 如果是站内/站外链接,并且选择的是文章,则要获取当前长页名称传到文章详情里,面包屑点返回的时候需要返回到当前长页
if ((type === 1 && link.articleId) || (type === 3 && link.otherArticleId)) {
this.$post(`${this.api.findColumn}?id=${this.id}`).then(({ data }) => {
href = this.$router.resolve(href + '&id=' + this.id + '&columnName=' + data.columnName + '&path=' + this.$route.path.replace('/', '')).href
this.toHref(link.isOpen, href)
}).catch(res => { })
} else {
this.toHref(link.isOpen, href)
// 跳转地址
toHref (isOpen, href) {
if (isOpen) {
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
var isSafari = /Safari/.test(userAgent) && !/Chrome/.test(userAgent);
if (isSafari) {
window.location.href = href
} else {
} else {
window.location.href = href
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