zhiyong.ning 5 years ago
parent 850182956b
commit a5f90b7b18
  1. 19

@ -129,7 +129,24 @@ public interface UserMapper {
"GROUP BY u.userId order by u.creationTime desc",
"</script> "})
List<UserM> queryUser(UserM user);
"SELECT s.schoolName,s.provinceId,s.cityId,s.provinceName,s.cityName,u.userId,u.userName,u.countries,u.creationTime,u.account,u.logInNumber,hor.schoolId,hor.platformId,hor.roleId FROM hr_userInfo u,hr_organization_relationship hor,school s WHERE u.userId = hor.userId and hor.schoolId = s.schoolId and s.isdel = 0",
" <if test='countries!=null and countries !=\"\" '>and u.countries = #{countries} </if>",
" <if test='provinceId!=null and provinceId !=\"\" '>and u.provinceId = #{provinceId} </if>",
" <if test='schoolId!=null and schoolId !=\"\"'>and u.schoolId = #{schoolId} </if>",
" <if test='cityId!=null and cityId !=\"\" '>and u.cityId = #{cityId} </if>",
" <if test='roleId!=null and roleId !=\"\" '>and u.roleId = #{roleId} </if>",
// " <if test='searchContent!=null and searchContent !=\"\" '> AND CONCAT(, s.schoolName) LIKE CONCAT('%',#{searchContent},'%')</if>",
" <if test='month==3'>and u.creationTime>DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH)</if>",
" <if test='month==6'>and u.creationTime>DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH)</if>",
" <if test='month==9'>and u.creationTime>DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 9 MONTH)</if>",
" <if test='month==12'>and u.creationTime>DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 12 MONTH)</if>",
" <if test='creationTime!=null and endTime!=null and endTime!=\"\" and creationTime!=\"\" '> and u.creationTime between #{creationTime} and #{endTime}</if>",
"GROUP BY u.userId order by u.creationTime desc",
"</script> "})
List<UserInfo> queryUserInfo(UserInfo userInfo);
@Update("UPDATE user SET isdel = 1 where userId = #{userId}")
void deleteUser(Integer userId);
