@Select("SELECT sta.schoolId,sch.schoolName,sta.userId from staff sta,school sch where sta.userId = #{userId} and sta.schoolId = sch.schoolId GROUP BY sta.schoolId")
@Select("SELECT sta.schoolId,sch.schoolName,sta.userId from staff sta,school sch where sta.userId = #{userId} and sta.schoolId = sch.schoolId GROUP BY sta.schoolId")
@Select("SELECT stu.schoolId,sch.schoolName,stu.userId from student stu,school sch where stu.userId = #{userId} and stu.schoolId = sch.schoolId GROUP BY stu.schoolId")
@Select("SELECT stu.schoolId,sch.schoolName,stu.userId from student stu,school sch where stu.userId = #{userId} and stu.schoolId = sch.schoolId GROUP BY stu.schoolId")
@Select("SELECT sta.schoolId,sch.schoolName,sta.userId from staff sta,school sch where sta.userId = #{userId} and sta.schoolId = sch.schoolId and sch.schoolId=#{schoolId} GROUP BY sta.schoolId")
@Select("SELECT stu.schoolId,sch.schoolName,stu.userId,stu.studentId from student stu,school sch where stu.userId = #{userId} and stu.schoolId = sch.schoolId and sch.schoolId=#{schoolId} GROUP BY stu.schoolId")
// @Select("SELECT * from user where isdel = 1 and countries = #{countries} and provinces = #{provinces} and city = #{city}")
// @Select("SELECT * from user where isdel = 1 and countries = #{countries} and provinces = #{provinces} and city = #{city}")
"SELECT u.*,s.schoolName,p.provinceName,c.cityName from user u,school s,province p,city c where u.isdel = 0 and p.provinceId = u.provinceId and p.provinceId = c.provinceId and u.cityId = c.cityId and u.schoolId = s.schoolId",
"SELECT u.*,s.schoolName,p.provinceName,c.cityName from user u,school s,province p,city c where u.isdel = 0 and p.provinceId = u.provinceId and p.provinceId = c.provinceId and u.cityId = c.cityId and u.schoolId = s.schoolId",
" <if test='countries!=null and countries !=\"\" '>and u.countries = #{countries} </if>",
" <if test='countries!=null and countries !=\"\" '>and u.countries = #{countries} </if>",