@ -391,10 +391,31 @@ |
GROUP BY hec.codeId |
</select> |
<!--SELECT hpm.creationTime,hpm.projectId,hpm.projectName,hpm.projectPermissions,hpm.systemId,(SELECT count(*) FROM |
tms_project_record her where hpm.projectId = her.projectId and her.isdel = 0 ) as number |
FROM hr_project_management hpm |
WHERE systemId = #{systemId} |
AND hpm.isdel = 0 |
AND hpm.projectPermissions = #{projectPermissions} |
<if test="searchContant!=null and searchContant!=''">and hpm.projectName like concat('%',#{searchContant},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="startTime!=null and startTime!='' and endTime!=null and endTime != ''">and hpm.creationTime between |
#{endTime} and #{startTime} |
</if> |
<if test="month!=null and month != ''">and DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL #{month} month ) <= |
date(hpm.creationTime) |
</if> |
ORDER BY hpm.creationTime DESC--> |
<select id="list" resultType="com.msdw.tms.entity.ResultsEntity"> |
SELECT hpm.creationTime,hpm.projectId,hpm.projectName,hpm.projectPermissions,hpm.systemId,(SELECT count(*) FROM |
tms_project_record her where hpm.projectId = her.projectId and her.isdel = 0 ) as number |
FROM hr_project_management hpm |
hpm.projectId, |
hpm.projectName, |
hpm.projectPermissions, |
hpm.systemId, |
hpm.creationTime |
hr_project_management hpm |
WHERE systemId = #{systemId} |
AND hpm.isdel = 0 |
AND hpm.projectPermissions = #{projectPermissions} |