You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
223 lines
7.8 KiB
223 lines
7.8 KiB
<template> |
<div class="bgw"> |
<router-view></router-view> |
<div class="container_bg" :class="url?'dn':''"> |
<div class="flex-center pdt40 border-b pdb30" > |
<img src="../../assets/img/Basics-icon.png" alt class="mgr10 icon-size" /> |
<p class="fz-16">基础应用</p> |
</div> |
<!-- <br/> |
10.22的输出 |
<el-input v-model="test"></el-input> |
<br/> |
{{fMoney4(test/10000)}} |
{{ChinaCost(test)}} --> |
<div class="flex-center"> |
<!-- v-if="$router.currentRoute.meta.btn.includes('人力资源管理系统')" --> |
<div class="card mgr40 manpower" @click="goto('workbench-manpower')"> |
</div> |
<div v-if="$router.currentRoute.meta.btn.includes('客户资源管理系统')" class="card client" @click="goto('workbench-client')"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div v-if="$router.currentRoute.meta.btn.includes('担保业务管理系统') || $router.currentRoute.meta.btn.includes('保后业务管理系统')"> |
<div class="flex-center pdt40 border-b pdb30"> |
<img src="../../assets/img/Business-icon.png" alt class="mgr10 icon-size" /> |
<p class="fz-16">业务应用</p> |
</div> |
<div class="flex-center"> |
<div v-if="$router.currentRoute.meta.btn.includes('担保业务管理系统')" class="card mgr40 guarantee mrb30" @click="goto('workbench-guarantee')"></div> |
<div v-if="$router.currentRoute.meta.btn.includes('保后业务管理系统')" class="card after-guarantee mrb30" @click="goto('afterLoan')"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
data(){ |
return{ |
url:false, |
test:10.22, |
} |
}, |
watch:{ |
}, |
created(){ |
if(this.$route.query.token){ |
sessionStorage.setItem("token",this.$route.query.token) |
if(this.$route.query.account){ |
if(this.$route.query.headerImg){ |
this.$store.commit("userNameData", { userName: this.$route.query.account,headerImg: this.changePercent(this.$route.query.headerImg) }); |
}else{ |
this.$store.commit("userNameData", { userName: this.$route.query.account }); |
} |
} |
} |
}, |
mounted(){ |
if(this.$route.fullPath!=='/workbench')this.url = true |
}, |
methods:{ |
fMoney4(money) { |
if(!money) return '' |
console.clear() |
//汉字的数字 |
let cnNums = new Array('零', '壹', '贰', '叁', '肆', '伍', '陆', '柒', '捌', '玖'); |
let cnIntRadice = new Array('', '拾', '佰', '仟'); //基本单位 |
let cnIntUnits = new Array('', '万', '亿', '兆'); //对应整数部分扩展单位 |
let cnDecUnits = new Array('仟', '佰', '拾', '元', '角' , '分'); //对应小数部分单位 |
let cnInteger = '元'; //整数金额时后面跟的字符 |
let cnIntLast = '万'; //整数无小数点的单位 |
let zero = "零" |
let int; //金额整数部分 |
let dot; //金额小数部分 |
let chineseStr = ''; //输出的中文金额字符串 |
let parts; //分离金额后用的数组,预定义 |
if (money == '') { |
return ''; |
} |
//转换为字符串,获取小数点后的值与整数分离 |
money = money.toString(); |
console.log(money,money.indexOf('.'),'判断小数点') |
if (money.indexOf('.') == -1) {// 取得小树点后面的值 |
int = money; |
dot = ''; |
} else { |
parts = money.split('.'); //整数小数分离 |
int = parts[0]; |
dot = parts[1].substr(0, 6); //最多六位小数,计算到 角,分 |
} |
console.log(parseInt(int, 10),'parseInt(int, 10)') |
//十进制转换,处理整数部分单位 |
if (parseInt(int, 10) > 0) { |
console.log('进入十进制转换') |
let zeroCount = 0; |
let IntLen = int.length; |
for (let i = 0; i < IntLen; i++) { |
//循环整数部分,给每个位赋值,且判断是否整除4,添加额外赋值 |
let n = int.substr(i, 1); |
let p = IntLen - i - 1; // 长度 -i -1 取得 |
let q = p / 4; |
let m = p % 4; |
console.log(n,p,q,m,"q,m") |
if (n == '0') { |
zeroCount++; |
} else { |
if (zeroCount > 0) { |
chineseStr += cnNums[0]; |
} |
//归零 |
zeroCount = 0; |
chineseStr += cnNums[parseInt(n)] + cnIntRadice[m]; |
} |
// |
if (m == 0 && zeroCount < 4) { |
chineseStr += cnIntUnits[q]; |
} |
} |
chineseStr += cnIntLast; |
} |
//小数部分 |
console.log(dot,'dot') |
if (dot != '') { |
console.log('进入小数处理部分') |
let decLen = dot.length;// 循环小数后面的位数 |
for (let i = 0; i < decLen; i++) { |
let n = dot.substr(i, 1); |
if (n != '0') { |
chineseStr += cnNums[Number(n)] + cnDecUnits[i]; |
} |
console.log(i,'i',n,'n',dot) |
/* |
如果 indexof 第一个非0数字,后面带有连续的0,或者间隔的0 |
*/ |
if(i==3 && n=='0' ){ // 如果i处于千百十的时候,加个元 |
chineseStr += cnInteger |
} |
} |
} |
// if (chineseStr == '') {// 为0时, |
// chineseStr += cnNums[0] + cnIntLast + cnInteger; |
// } |
// else if (dot == '') {//小数点为空值时 |
// chineseStr += cnInteger; // 加上元 |
// } |
return chineseStr; |
}, |
// 跳转方法,传一个字符串地址 |
goto(path) { |
this.$router.push('/' + path); |
} |
}, |
beforeRouteUpdate:function(to,from,next){ |
if(to.path!=='/workbench')this.url = true |
else this.url = false |
next() |
}, |
// 删除%转换成/ |
changePercent(str){ |
return str.replace(/%2F/g,'/').replace(/%3A/g,':') |
}, |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import url('../../assets/css/common.scss'); |
.Workbench{ |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
} |
.dn{ |
display: none; |
} |
.icon{ |
width: 20px; |
} |
.manpower { |
background: url('../../assets/img/work-man.png') no-repeat; |
background-size: 100%; |
position: relative; |
cursor: pointer; |
} |
.span-text { |
position: absolute; |
top: 50%; |
transform: translate(0, -50%); |
left: 20%; |
width: 130px; |
font-size: 30px; |
word-break: break-all; |
} |
.guarantee { |
background: url('../../assets/img/work-guarantee.png') no-repeat; |
background-size: 100%; |
position: relative; |
cursor: pointer; |
} |
.after-guarantee { |
background: url('../../assets/img/work-afterLoans.png') no-repeat; |
background-size: 100%; |
position: relative; |
cursor: pointer; |
} |
.client { |
background: url('../../assets/img/work-client.png') no-repeat; |
background-size: 100%; |
position: relative; |
cursor: pointer; |
} |
.card { |
width: 480px; |
height: 250px; |
margin-top: 30px; |
} |
</style> |