@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public interface ProjectManagementMapper {
// "select projectId,projectName,projectPermissions,founder,creationTime,state,knowledgePoints,experimentIntroduction from hr_project_management where isdel=0",
"select * from hr_project_management where 1 = 1",// (roleId NOT LIKE '%3%' AND isdel = 0)",
" <if test='userId==null'>AND roleId NOT LIKE '%3%' AND isdel = 0</if>",
" <if test='userId!=null'>AND ((roleId NOT LIKE '%3%' AND isdel = 0) OR ( isdel = 0 AND userId = #{userId} ))</if>",//教师端,一开始进入项目管理,看见自己创建的和其他人看见的
" <if test='userId!=null'>AND ((FIND_IN_SET(1,founder) AND isdel = 0) OR ( isdel = 0 AND userId = #{userId} ))</if>",//教师端,一开始进入项目管理,看见自己创建的和其他人看见的
" <if test='projectPermissions!=null'> and projectPermissions=#{projectPermissions}</if>",
" <if test='founder!=null'> and founder=#{founder}</if>",//教师选择创建人为系统
" <if test='state!=null'> and state=#{state}</if>",