You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
320 lines
10 KiB
320 lines
10 KiB
<template> |
<div class="block"> |
<div class="flex justify-between items-center mb-5"> |
<search v-model="params.customsPassName" |
@change="getList"></search> |
<div class="filter"> |
<div class="select"> |
<el-select v-model="params.isEnable" |
placeholder="启用状态" |
size="large" |
clearable> |
<el-option v-for="item in enables" |
:key="" |
:label="" |
:value="" /> |
</el-select> |
<img src="@/assets/images/7.png" |
alt="" |
class="icon" /> |
</div> |
<el-popconfirm :title="delTitle" |
:disabled="!multipleSelection.length" |
@confirm.stop="delAll"> |
<template #reference> |
<div :class="['add-btn mr-2', {'cursor-not-allowed': !multipleSelection.length}]"> |
<el-icon :size="24" |
color="#fff"> |
<Delete /> |
</el-icon> |
删除关卡 |
</div> |
</template> |
</el-popconfirm> |
<div class="add-btn" |
@click="toAdd"> |
<img src="@/assets/images/plus.png" |
alt="" |
class="icon" /> |
新增关卡 |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="h-[calc(100vh-310px)] overflow-auto" |
id="tableWrap"> |
<el-table v-loading="loading" |
:data="list" |
@sort-change="handleSort" |
@selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
<el-table-column label="移动" |
width="80"> |
<template #default="{ row, $index }"> |
<el-popover placement="right" |
trigger="hover"> |
<template #reference> |
<el-icon class="rotate-90 cursor-pointer" |
:size="16" |
color="#877c7c"> |
<MoreFilled /> |
</el-icon> |
</template> |
<div class="flex items-center mb-2"> |
<el-input class="w-[80px]" |
placeholder="请输入" |
v-model.number="row.serial"></el-input> |
<el-icon class="ml-2 cursor-pointer" |
:size="16" |
color="#877c7c" |
@click.stop="submitSerial(row, $index, row.serial)"> |
<Check /> |
</el-icon> |
</div> |
<p class="my-2 cursor-pointer" |
@click="submitSerial(row, $index, 1)">置顶</p> |
<p class="cursor-pointer" |
@click="submitSerial(row, $index, list.length)">置底</p> |
</el-popover> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column type="selection" |
width="55" /> |
<el-table-column label="序号" |
width="80" |
align="center"> |
<template #default="{ row, $index }"> |
{{ $index + 1 }} |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="customsPassName" |
min-width="200" |
label="关卡名称"> |
<template #default="{ row }"> |
<div class="flex items-center"> |
<el-input v-if="row.editing" |
class="w-[250px]" |
placeholder="请输入关卡名称" |
v-model="row.customsPassName"></el-input> |
<span v-else>{{ row.customsPassName }}</span> |
<el-icon v-if="!row.editing" |
class="mx-2 cursor-pointer" |
:size="16" |
color="#877c7c" |
@click="edit(row)"> |
<Edit /> |
</el-icon> |
<el-icon v-if="row.editing" |
class="ml-2 cursor-pointer" |
:size="16" |
color="#877c7c" |
@click="cancel(row)"> |
<Close /> |
</el-icon> |
</div> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="creator" |
min-width="170" |
label="创建人"></el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="createTime" |
label="创建时间" |
width="180" |
sortable="custom"></el-table-column> |
<el-table-column label="启用关卡" |
width="140" |
align="center"> |
<template #default="{ row }"> |
<el-popconfirm v-if="row.checkpointId" |
:title="row.isEnable ? '禁用关卡后,已关联该关卡的判分点将被禁用,确定禁用吗?' : '启用关卡后,已关联该关卡的判分点将被启用,确定启用吗?'" |
@confirm.stop="enableSubmit(row)"> |
<template #reference> |
<el-switch v-if="row.checkpointId" |
v-model="row.isEnable" |
:active-value="1" |
:inactive-value="0" |
@change="enableChange(row)" /> |
</template> |
</el-popconfirm> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column label="操作" |
width="120"> |
<template #default="{ row }"> |
<el-popconfirm v-if="row.checkpointId" |
:title="delTitle" |
@confirm.stop="handleDelete([row])"> |
<template #reference> |
<el-button type="text" |
size="small">删除</el-button> |
</template> |
</el-popconfirm> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</div> |
<div class="filter flex justify-end mt-3"> |
<div :class="['add-btn', {'not-allow': !hadChange}]" |
@click="save" |
v-loading="saveLoading"> |
保存 |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { computed, onMounted, ref, reactive, watch, nextTick } from 'vue'; |
import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from 'element-plus'; |
import { Delete, Edit, Check, MoreFilled, Close } from '@element-plus/icons-vue'; |
import { listPass, savePass, updatePass, delPass, updateIsOpen } from '@/api/config'; |
import Search from '@/components/Search.vue'; |
import { useRouter, useRoute } from 'vue-router'; |
import Cookies from 'js-cookie'; |
const router = useRouter(); |
const route = useRoute(); |
const projectId = +Cookies.get('sand-projectId'); |
const levelId = +Cookies.get('sand-level'); |
const hadChange = ref<number>(0); |
const delTitle: string = '删除关卡后,已关联该关卡的判分点将被禁用,确定删除吗?'; |
const params = reactive({ |
createDateSort: '', |
platformId: 3, |
customsPassName: '', |
isEnable: '', |
}); |
const enables = ref<Array<any>>([ |
{ |
id: 0, |
name: '禁用', |
}, |
{ |
id: 1, |
name: '启用', |
}, |
]); |
const list = ref<Array<any>>([]); |
const loading = ref<boolean>(false); |
const saveLoading = ref<boolean>(false); |
const multipleSelection = ref<Record<string, any>[]>([]); |
// 列表 |
const getList = async () => { |
loading.value = true; |
try { |
const { data } = await listPass(params); |
data.forEach((e, i) => { |
e.serial = ''; |
}); |
list.value = data; |
} finally { |
loading.value = false; |
} |
}; |
onMounted(() => { |
getList(); |
}); |
watch([params, () => route.query], getList); |
const handleSort = ({ column, prop, order }: { column: any; prop: string; order: string }) => { |
params.createDateSort = order === 'descending' ? 'desc' : order === 'ascending' ? 'asc' : ''; |
}; |
// 保存 |
const save = async () => { |
if (!hadChange.value || saveLoading.value) return false; |
saveLoading.value = true; |
try { |
// 编辑 |
const param = list.value |
.filter((e) => e.checkpointId) |
.map((e, i) => { |
e.serialNumber = i + 1; |
return { |
checkpointId: e.checkpointId, |
customsPassName: e.customsPassName, |
isEnable: e.isEnable, |
serialNumber: e.serialNumber, |
}; |
}); |
await updatePass(param); |
// 新增 |
const addList = list.value.filter((e) => !e.checkpointId && e.customsPassName); |
if (addList.length) await savePass(addList); |
getList(); |
ElMessage.success('保存成功!'); |
saveLoading.value = false; |
hadChange.value = 0; |
} catch (e) { |
saveLoading.value = false; |
} |
}; |
// 输入序号排序 |
const submitSerial = (row: Record<string, any>, oldIndex: number, newIndex: number) => { |
if (newIndex) { |
const temp = list.value.splice(oldIndex, 1); |
row.serialNumber = newIndex; |
list.value.splice(newIndex - 1, 0, temp[0]); |
hadChange.value = 1; |
} |
}; |
// 多选 |
const handleSelectionChange = (val: Record<string, any>[]) => { |
multipleSelection.value = val; |
}; |
// 新增 |
const toAdd = () => { |
list.value.push({ |
customsPassName: '', |
editing: true, |
isEnable: 0, |
}); |
nextTick(() => { |
document.querySelector('#tableWrap').scrollTo({ |
top: document.querySelector('#tableWrap')?.scrollHeight + 200, |
behavior: 'smooth', |
}); |
}); |
hadChange.value = 1; |
}; |
// 禁启用回调 |
const enableChange = (row: Record<string, any>) => { |
row.isEnable = row.isEnable ? 0 : 1; |
}; |
const enableSubmit = async (row: Record<string, any>) => { |
row.isEnable = row.isEnable ? 0 : 1; |
await updateIsOpen(row.checkpointId, row.isEnable); |
}; |
// 编辑 |
const edit = async (row: Record<string, any>) => { |
if (!row.editing) { |
row.oldName = row.customsPassName; |
} |
row.editing = !row.editing; |
hadChange.value = 1; |
}; |
// 取消 |
const cancel = async (row: Record<string, any>) => { |
row.customsPassName = row.oldName; |
row.editing = !row.editing; |
}; |
// 删除 |
const handleDelete = async (rows: Record<string, any>[]) => { |
try { |
const param = => { |
return { |
checkpointId: e.checkpointId, |
isDel: 1, |
customsPassName: e.customsPassName, |
}; |
}); |
await delPass( => e.checkpointId)); |
getList(); |
ElMessage.success('删除成功!'); |
} catch (e) {} |
}; |
// 批量删除 |
const delAll = async () => { |
handleDelete(multipleSelection.value); |
}; |