You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

280 lines
7.9 KiB

<div class="flex justify-between items-center h-[64px] px-5 bg-white">
<div class="inline-flex items-center">
<el-tooltip effect="light"
<img class="mr-3 cursor-pointer"
@click="logout" />
<div class="relative min-h-[calc(100vh-64px)] pt-5 pl-5 bg-[url('@/assets/images/level/4.png')] bg-[length:100%_100%] bg-no-repeat">
<div class="relative">
<div class="w-[354px] h-[68px] bg-[url('@/assets/images/level/5.png')] bg-[length:100%_100%] bg-no-repeat"></div>
<div class="absolute top-5 left-40 flex items-center cursor-pointer"
<img v-if="collected"
alt="" />
<img v-else
alt="" />
<span class="ml-2 text-sm text-[#999]">仅显示已收藏的项目</span>
<div class="relative mt-5">
<div v-for="(item, i) in levels"
:class="['item', { active: curLevel === item.id }]"
<span class="num">LV.{{ i + 1 }}</span>
<div class="texts">
<h6>第{{ numToChinese(item.name.split(' ')[0].replace('关卡', '')) }}关</h6>
<p class="des mul-ellipsis2">{{ item.name.split(' ')[1] }}</p>
<img v-if="item.collect"
@click.stop="collectItem(item)" />
<img v-else
@click.stop="collectItem(item)" />
<div class="arrow top-0 left-[50%] translate-x-[-50%] w-[64px] h-[64px] bg-[url('@/assets/images/level/arrow-up.png')]"></div>
<div class="arrow right-0 top-[50%] translate-y-[-50%] w-[64px] h-[64px] bg-[url('@/assets/images/level/arrow-right.png')]"></div>
<div class="arrow bottom-0 left-[50%] translate-x-[-50%] w-[64px] h-[64px] bg-[url('@/assets/images/level/arrow-down.png')]"
<div class="arrow left-0 top-[50%] translate-y-[-50%] w-[64px] h-[64px] bg-[url('@/assets/images/level/arrow-left.png')]"></div>
<div class="absolute bottom-2 right-1 w-[262px] h-[74px] bg-[url('@/assets/images/level/submit.png')] bg-[length:100%_100%] bg-no-repeat cursor-pointer hover:bg-[url('@/assets/images/level/submit-hover.png')]"
<Panel />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
import { checkPointList } from '@/api/judgment';
import { cancelCollection, collect } from '@/api/bank';
import Panel from '@/components/Panel/index.vue';
import { useRouter, useRoute } from 'vue-router';
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus';
import { logout } from '@/store/useCurrentUser';
import { numToChinese } from '@/utils/common';
import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
const router = useRouter();
const route = useRoute();
const collected = ref<boolean>(false);
const curLevel = ref<number | string>('');
const levels = ref<Record<string, any>[]>([]);
const projectId = Cookies.get('sand-projectId') ?? route.query.projectId;
// 关卡列表
const getLevel = async (only: any = '') => {
if (only) collected.value = !collected.value;
const { data } = await checkPointList(+projectId, collected.value ? 1 : '');
levels.value = data;
// 点击关卡回调
const selecLevel = (item: Record<string, any>) => {
curLevel.value = item.id;
// 收藏
const collectItem = async (item: Record<string, any>) => {
if (item.collect) {
await cancelCollection(item.favoriteId);
} else {
await collect({
checkPointId: item.id,
// 确定
const toRole = () => {
if (curLevel.value) {
Cookies.set('sand-level', curLevel.value);
path: `/role`,
query: {
levelId: curLevel.value,
} else {
const move = () => {
window.scrollTo(0, 100);
onMounted(() => {
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&:hover {
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@apply top-[var(--line4)];
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&:before {
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&:before {
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