You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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729 B

import axios from '@/utils/request';
export const imageUploadUrl = `${import.meta.env.VITE_BASE_API}/backend/image-upload`;
export const cropImage = async (data: Record<string, any>): Promise<any> => (await axios.post('/backend/image-crop', data)).data;
export const getProcess = async (): Promise<any> => (await axios.post('/judgment/judgment/stRecord/getProcess?systemId=19')).data;
export const getProcessInformationBasedOnRoles = async (id: number): Promise<any> =>
(await axios.post(`/judgment/judgment/stRecord/getProcessInformationBasedOnRoles?systemId=19&parentId=${id}`)).data;
export const getAllBusiness = async (): Promise<any> => (await axios.post('/judgment/judgment/stRecord/getAllBusiness?systemId=19')).data;