You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

370 lines
8.9 KiB

<view class="wrap">
<view class="top">
<view class="name-wrap">
<image class="logo" :src="form.logoUrl ? form.logoUrl : Common.shopIcon"></image>
<view class="name ell2">{{ form.classificationName }}</view>
<view v-if="form.slogan" class="slogan">{{ form.slogan }}</view>
<view class="star" @click.stop="collect">
<uni-icons class="star-icon" color="#ffcf47" :type="collectInfo.whetherAttention ? 'star-filled' : 'star'" size="25"></uni-icons>
{{ collectInfo.whetherAttention ? '取消关注' : '关注' }}
<ul class="tab">
<li :class="{active: curTab === 0}" @click="tabChange(0)">主页</li>
<li :class="{active: curTab === 1}" @click="tabChange(1)">商品</li>
<view v-if="!curTab" class="detail">
<view class="title">公司简介</view>
<uni-swiper-dot v-if="desPics.length" class="pics" :info="desPics" :current="curPic" mode="round" :dots-styles="dotsStyles">
<swiper class="swiper-box" autoplay @change="picChange">
<swiper-item v-for="(item ,i) in desPics" :key="i">
<image class="pic" :src="item"></image>
<view class="des">{{ form.briefIntroduction }}</view>
<view class="title">联系我们</view>
<view class="info address">
<image class="icon" src="" mode="widthFix" />
地址{{ form.address || '' }}
<view class="info">
<image class="icon" src="" mode="widthFix" />
联系电话{{ form.phone || '' }}
<view class="qrcodes">
<view v-if="form.qrCodeOneUrl" class="qrcode">
<image class="pic" :src="form.qrCodeOneUrl" />
<view class="text">{{ form.qrCodeOneName }}</view>
<view v-if="form.qrCodeTwoUrl" class="qrcode">
<image class="pic" :src="form.qrCodeTwoUrl" />
<view class="text">{{ form.qrCodeTwoName }}</view>
<view v-if="form.qrCodeThreeUrl" class="qrcode">
<image class="pic" :src="form.qrCodeThreeUrl" />
<view class="text">{{ form.qrCodeThreeName }}</view>
<view v-else-if="goods.length" class="list">
<view v-for="(item, i) in goods" :key="i" class="item" @click="toGoods(item)">
<image class="pic" :src="item.pic"></image>
<view class="texts">
<view class="name">{{ item.prodName }}</view>
<view class="prices">
<text class="price">{{ item.price ? '¥' + item.price : '面议' }}</text>
<text v-if="item.oriPrice" class="ori">¥{{ item.oriPrice }}</text>
<view class="order-btn" @click="toOrder">
<image class="icon" src="" mode="widthFix"></image>
<view class="text">我想采购</view>
<order ref="order" />
import { collect, cancelCollection } from '@/apis/modules/supplier.js'
import { queryTeamInfo } from '@/apis/modules/user.js'
import { page } from '@/apis/modules/goods.js'
import Common from '@/config/common'
export default {
data() {
return {
teamId: '',
accountId: '',
curTab: 0,
form: {
collectionInformation: {
whetherAttention: 0
classificationName: '',
slogan: '',
briefIntroduction: '',
address: '',
phone: ''
desPics: [],
curPic: 0,
dotsStyles: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(83, 200, 249,0.3)',
border: '1px rgba(83, 200, 249,0.3) solid',
color: '#fff',
selectedBackgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 249,0.9)',
selectedBorder: '1px rgba(251, 251, 251,0.9) solid'
mpStyle: {
p: 'font-size: 25rpx !important;font-family: Microsoft Yahei !important;font-weight: 400 !important;color: #333 !important;',
span: 'font-size: 25rpx !important;font-family: Microsoft Yahei !important;font-weight: 400 !important;color: #333 !important;'
reachBottom: 0, // 是否是上拉加载。0->否,1->是,-1->加载完所有数据
status: 'more', // 上拉加载状态 more|loading|noMore
goods: [],
page: 1,
pageSize: 5,
total: 0,
submiting: false,
collectInfo: {},
// 下拉刷新
onPullDownRefresh() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1500)
// 上拉加载
onReachBottom() {
if (this.reachBottom >= 0) {
this.reachBottom = 1
this.status = 'loading'
onShow() {
const pages = getCurrentPages()
const { options } = pages[pages.length - 1]
this.teamId = options.teamId
this.accountId = options.accountId
this.page = 1
methods: {
// 获取详情
async getInfo() {
title: '加载中'
const res = await queryTeamInfo({
teamId: this.teamId
const data = res.teamInfo
if (data) {
// 处理描述图片
if (data.pictureUrl) {
this.desPics = data.pictureUrl.split(',')
this.collectInfo = res.collectionInformation
this.form = data
// 描述图片切换
picChange(e) {
this.curPic = e.detail.current;
// 获取商品列表
async getGoods() {
const res = await page({
status: 1,
current: this.page,
shopId: this.teamId,
const list = res.page.records
list.forEach(e => {
if (e.pic) e.pic = e.pic.split(',')[0]
this.goods = this.reachBottom > 0 ? [...this.goods, ...list] : list
this.page++ // 每次获取了数据后page+1
const noMore = this.goods.length === res.page.total // 是否加载完所有数据
this.status = noMore ? 'noMore' : 'more' // 加载完了则设置为noMore
this.reachBottom = noMore ? -1 : 0 // 加载完了则设置为-1
// tab切换
tabChange(id) {
this.curTab = id
// 关注
async collect() {
if (this.submiting) return false
this.submiting = true
if (this.collectInfo.whetherAttention) {
const that = this
title: '提示',
content: '确定要取消关注吗?',
async success(res) {
if (res.confirm) {
await cancelCollection(that.collectInfo.attentionId)
that.submiting = false
} else {
const res = await collect({
supplierAccountId: this.accountId
this.submiting = false
// 跳转商品详情
toGoods(item) {
// 我想采购
toOrder() {
const el = this.$refs.order
el.remarks = ''
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