You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1333 lines
39 KiB

* @fileoverview html 解析器
// 配置
const config = {
// 信任的标签(保持标签名不变)
trustTags: makeMap('a,abbr,ad,audio,b,blockquote,br,code,col,colgroup,dd,del,dl,dt,div,em,fieldset,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,hr,i,img,ins,label,legend,li,ol,p,q,ruby,rt,source,span,strong,sub,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr,title,ul,video'),
// 块级标签(转为 div,其他的非信任标签转为 span)
blockTags: makeMap('address,article,aside,body,caption,center,cite,footer,header,html,nav,pre,section'),
// #ifdef (MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || APP-PLUS || MP-360) && VUE3
// 行内标签
inlineTags: makeMap('abbr,b,big,code,del,em,i,ins,label,q,small,span,strong,sub,sup'),
// #endif
// 要移除的标签
ignoreTags: makeMap('area,base,canvas,embed,frame,head,iframe,input,link,map,meta,param,rp,script,source,style,textarea,title,track,wbr'),
// 自闭合的标签
voidTags: makeMap('area,base,br,col,circle,ellipse,embed,frame,hr,img,input,line,link,meta,param,path,polygon,rect,source,track,use,wbr'),
// html 实体
entities: {
lt: '<',
gt: '>',
quot: '"',
apos: "'",
ensp: '\u2002',
emsp: '\u2003',
nbsp: '\xA0',
semi: ';',
ndash: '–',
mdash: '—',
middot: '·',
lsquo: '‘',
rsquo: '’',
ldquo: '“',
rdquo: '”',
bull: '•',
hellip: '…',
larr: '←',
uarr: '↑',
rarr: '→',
darr: '↓'
// 默认的标签样式
tagStyle: {
// #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
address: 'font-style:italic',
big: 'display:inline;font-size:1.2em',
caption: 'display:table-caption;text-align:center',
center: 'text-align:center',
cite: 'font-style:italic',
dd: 'margin-left:40px',
mark: 'background-color:yellow',
pre: 'font-family:monospace;white-space:pre',
s: 'text-decoration:line-through',
small: 'display:inline;font-size:0.8em',
strike: 'text-decoration:line-through',
u: 'text-decoration:underline'
// #endif
// svg 大小写对照表
svgDict: {
animatetransform: 'animateTransform',
lineargradient: 'linearGradient',
viewbox: 'viewBox',
attributename: 'attributeName',
repeatcount: 'repeatCount',
repeatdur: 'repeatDur'
const tagSelector={}
const {
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
// #endif
} = uni.getSystemInfoSync()
const blankChar = makeMap(' ,\r,\n,\t,\f')
let idIndex = 0
// #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
config.ignoreTags.iframe = undefined
config.trustTags.iframe = true
config.ignoreTags.embed = undefined
config.trustTags.embed = true
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
config.ignoreTags.source = undefined
config.ignoreTags.style = undefined
// #endif
* @description 创建 map
* @param {String} str 逗号分隔
function makeMap (str) {
const map = Object.create(null)
const list = str.split(',')
for (let i = list.length; i--;) {
map[list[i]] = true
return map
* @description 解码 html 实体
* @param {String} str 要解码的字符串
* @param {Boolean} amp 要不要解码 &amp;
* @returns {String} 解码后的字符串
function decodeEntity (str, amp) {
let i = str.indexOf('&')
while (i !== -1) {
const j = str.indexOf(';', i + 3)
let code
if (j === -1) break
if (str[i + 1] === '#') {
// &#123; 形式的实体
code = parseInt((str[i + 2] === 'x' ? '0' : '') + str.substring(i + 2, j))
if (!isNaN(code)) {
str = str.substr(0, i) + String.fromCharCode(code) + str.substr(j + 1)
} else {
// &nbsp; 形式的实体
code = str.substring(i + 1, j)
if (config.entities[code] || (code === 'amp' && amp)) {
str = str.substr(0, i) + (config.entities[code] || '&') + str.substr(j + 1)
i = str.indexOf('&', i + 1)
return str
* @description 合并多个块级标签,加快长内容渲染
* @param {Array} nodes 要合并的标签数组
function mergeNodes (nodes) {
let i = nodes.length - 1
for (let j = i; j >= -1; j--) {
if (j === -1 || nodes[j].c || !nodes[j].name || (nodes[j].name !== 'div' && nodes[j].name !== 'p' && nodes[j].name[0] !== 'h') || (nodes[j].attrs.style || '').includes('inline')) {
if (i - j >= 5) {
nodes.splice(j + 1, i - j, {
name: 'div',
attrs: {},
children: nodes.slice(j + 1, i + 1)
i = j - 1
* @description html 解析器
* @param {Object} vm 组件实例
function Parser (vm) {
this.options = vm || {}
this.tagStyle = Object.assign({}, config.tagStyle, this.options.tagStyle)
this.imgList = vm.imgList || []
this.imgList._unloadimgs = 0
this.plugins = vm.plugins || []
this.attrs = Object.create(null)
this.stack = []
this.nodes = []
this.pre = (this.options.containerStyle || '').includes('white-space') && this.options.containerStyle.includes('pre') ? 2 : 0
* @description 执行解析
* @param {String} content 要解析的文本
Parser.prototype.parse = function (content) {
// 插件处理
for (let i = this.plugins.length; i--;) {
if (this.plugins[i].onUpdate) {
content = this.plugins[i].onUpdate(content, config) || content
new Lexer(this).parse(content)
// 出栈未闭合的标签
while (this.stack.length) {
if (this.nodes.length > 50) {
return this.nodes
* @description 将标签暴露出来(不被 rich-text 包含)
Parser.prototype.expose = function () {
// #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
for (let i = this.stack.length; i--;) {
const item = this.stack[i]
if (item.c || item.name === 'a' || item.name === 'video' || item.name === 'audio') return
item.c = 1
// #endif
* @description 处理插件
* @param {Object} node 要处理的标签
* @returns {Boolean} 是否要移除此标签
Parser.prototype.hook = function (node) {
for (let i = this.plugins.length; i--;) {
if (this.plugins[i].onParse && this.plugins[i].onParse(node, this) === false) {
return false
return true
* @description 将链接拼接上主域名
* @param {String} url 需要拼接的链接
* @returns {String} 拼接后的链接
Parser.prototype.getUrl = function (url) {
const domain = this.options.domain
if (url[0] === '/') {
if (url[1] === '/') {
// // 开头的补充协议名
url = (domain ? domain.split('://')[0] : 'http') + ':' + url
} else if (domain) {
// 否则补充整个域名
url = domain + url
} /* #ifdef APP-PLUS */ else {
url = plus.io.convertLocalFileSystemURL(url)
} /* #endif */
} else if (!url.includes('data:') && !url.includes('://')) {
if (domain) {
url = domain + '/' + url
} /* #ifdef APP-PLUS */ else {
url = plus.io.convertLocalFileSystemURL(url)
} /* #endif */
return url
* @description 解析样式表
* @param {Object} node 标签
* @returns {Object}
Parser.prototype.parseStyle = function (node) {
const attrs = node.attrs
const list = (this.tagStyle[node.name] || '').split(';').concat((attrs.style || '').split(';'))
const styleObj = {}
let tmp = ''
if (attrs.id && !this.xml) {
// 暴露锚点
if (this.options.useAnchor) {
} else if (node.name !== 'img' && node.name !== 'a' && node.name !== 'video' && node.name !== 'audio') {
attrs.id = undefined
// 转换 width 和 height 属性
if (attrs.width) {
styleObj.width = parseFloat(attrs.width) + (attrs.width.includes('%') ? '%' : 'px')
attrs.width = undefined
if (attrs.height) {
styleObj.height = parseFloat(attrs.height) + (attrs.height.includes('%') ? '%' : 'px')
attrs.height = undefined
for (let i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) {
const info = list[i].split(':')
if (info.length < 2) continue
const key = info.shift().trim().toLowerCase()
let value = info.join(':').trim()
if ((value[0] === '-' && value.lastIndexOf('-') > 0) || value.includes('safe')) {
// 兼容性的 css 不压缩
tmp += `;${key}:${value}`
} else if (!styleObj[key] || value.includes('import') || !styleObj[key].includes('import')) {
// 重复的样式进行覆盖
if (value.includes('url')) {
// 填充链接
let j = value.indexOf('(') + 1
if (j) {
while (value[j] === '"' || value[j] === "'" || blankChar[value[j]]) {
value = value.substr(0, j) + this.getUrl(value.substr(j))
} else if (value.includes('rpx')) {
// 转换 rpx(rich-text 内部不支持 rpx)
value = value.replace(/[0-9.]+\s*rpx/g, $ => parseFloat($) * windowWidth / 750 + 'px')
styleObj[key] = value
node.attrs.style = tmp
return styleObj
* @description 解析到标签名
* @param {String} name 标签名
* @private
Parser.prototype.onTagName = function (name) {
this.tagName = this.xml ? name : name.toLowerCase()
if (this.tagName === 'svg') {
this.xml = (this.xml || 0) + 1 // svg 标签内大小写敏感
* @description 解析到属性名
* @param {String} name 属性名
* @private
Parser.prototype.onAttrName = function (name) {
name = this.xml ? name : name.toLowerCase()
if (name.substr(0, 5) === 'data-') {
if (name === 'data-src' && !this.attrs.src) {
// data-src 自动转为 src
this.attrName = 'src'
} else if (this.tagName === 'img' || this.tagName === 'a') {
// a 和 img 标签保留 data- 的属性,可以在 imgtap 和 linktap 事件中使用
this.attrName = name
} else {
// 剩余的移除以减小大小
this.attrName = undefined
} else {
this.attrName = name
this.attrs[name] = 'T' // boolean 型属性缺省设置
* @description 解析到属性值
* @param {String} val 属性值
* @private
Parser.prototype.onAttrVal = function (val) {
const name = this.attrName || ''
if (name === 'style' || name === 'href') {
// 部分属性进行实体解码
this.attrs[name] = decodeEntity(val, true)
} else if (name.includes('src')) {
// 拼接主域名
this.attrs[name] = this.getUrl(decodeEntity(val, true))
} else if (name) {
this.attrs[name] = val
* @description 解析到标签开始
* @param {Boolean} selfClose 是否有自闭合标识 />
* @private
Parser.prototype.onOpenTag = function (selfClose) {
// 拼装 node
const node = Object.create(null)
node.name = this.tagName
node.attrs = this.attrs
// 避免因为自动 diff 使得 type 被设置为 null 导致部分内容不显示
if (this.options.nodes.length) {
node.type = 'node'
this.attrs = Object.create(null)
const attrs = node.attrs
const parent = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
const siblings = parent ? parent.children : this.nodes
const close = this.xml ? selfClose : config.voidTags[node.name]
// 替换标签名选择器
if (tagSelector[node.name]) {
attrs.class = tagSelector[node.name] + (attrs.class ? ' ' + attrs.class : '')
// 转换 embed 标签
if (node.name === 'embed') {
// #ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS
const src = attrs.src || ''
// 按照后缀名和 type 将 embed 转为 video 或 audio
if (src.includes('.mp4') || src.includes('.3gp') || src.includes('.m3u8') || (attrs.type || '').includes('video')) {
node.name = 'video'
} else if (src.includes('.mp3') || src.includes('.wav') || src.includes('.aac') || src.includes('.m4a') || (attrs.type || '').includes('audio')) {
node.name = 'audio'
if (attrs.autostart) {
attrs.autoplay = 'T'
attrs.controls = 'T'
// #endif
// #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
// #endif
// #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
// 处理音视频
if (node.name === 'video' || node.name === 'audio') {
// 设置 id 以便获取 context
if (node.name === 'video' && !attrs.id) {
attrs.id = 'v' + idIndex++
// 没有设置 controls 也没有设置 autoplay 的自动设置 controls
if (!attrs.controls && !attrs.autoplay) {
attrs.controls = 'T'
// 用数组存储所有可用的 source
node.src = []
if (attrs.src) {
attrs.src = undefined
// #endif
// 处理自闭合标签
if (close) {
if (!this.hook(node) || config.ignoreTags[node.name]) {
// 通过 base 标签设置主域名
if (node.name === 'base' && !this.options.domain) {
this.options.domain = attrs.href
} /* #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE */ else if (node.name === 'source' && parent && (parent.name === 'video' || parent.name === 'audio') && attrs.src) {
// 设置 source 标签(仅父节点为 video 或 audio 时有效)
} /* #endif */
// 解析 style
const styleObj = this.parseStyle(node)
// 处理图片
if (node.name === 'img') {
if (attrs.src) {
// 标记 webp
if (attrs.src.includes('webp')) {
node.webp = 'T'
// data url 图片如果没有设置 original-src 默认为不可预览的小图片
if (attrs.src.includes('data:') && !attrs['original-src']) {
attrs.ignore = 'T'
if (!attrs.ignore || node.webp || attrs.src.includes('cloud://')) {
for (let i = this.stack.length; i--;) {
const item = this.stack[i]
if (item.name === 'a') {
node.a = item.attrs
if (item.name === 'table' && !node.webp && !attrs.src.includes('cloud://')) {
if (!styleObj.display || styleObj.display.includes('inline')) {
node.t = 'inline-block'
} else {
node.t = styleObj.display
styleObj.display = undefined
// #ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS
const style = item.attrs.style || ''
if (style.includes('flex:') && !style.includes('flex:0') && !style.includes('flex: 0') && (!styleObj.width || parseInt(styleObj.width) > 100)) {
styleObj.width = '100% !important'
styleObj.height = ''
for (let j = i + 1; j < this.stack.length; j++) {
this.stack[j].attrs.style = (this.stack[j].attrs.style || '').replace('inline-', '')
} else if (style.includes('flex') && styleObj.width === '100%') {
for (let j = i + 1; j < this.stack.length; j++) {
const style = this.stack[j].attrs.style || ''
if (!style.includes(';width') && !style.includes(' width') && style.indexOf('width') !== 0) {
styleObj.width = ''
} else if (style.includes('inline-block')) {
if (styleObj.width && styleObj.width[styleObj.width.length - 1] === '%') {
item.attrs.style += ';max-width:' + styleObj.width
styleObj.width = ''
} else {
item.attrs.style += ';max-width:100%'
// #endif
item.c = 1
attrs.i = this.imgList.length.toString()
let src = attrs['original-src'] || attrs.src
// #ifndef H5 || MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS || MP-360
if (this.imgList.includes(src)) {
// 如果有重复的链接则对域名进行随机大小写变换避免预览时错位
let i = src.indexOf('://')
if (i !== -1) {
i += 3
let newSrc = src.substr(0, i)
for (; i < src.length; i++) {
if (src[i] === '/') break
newSrc += Math.random() > 0.5 ? src[i].toUpperCase() : src[i]
newSrc += src.substr(i)
src = newSrc
// #endif
if (!node.t) {
this.imgList._unloadimgs += 1
// #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
if (this.options.lazyLoad) {
attrs['data-src'] = attrs.src
attrs.src = undefined
// #endif
if (styleObj.display === 'inline') {
styleObj.display = ''
// #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
if (attrs.ignore) {
styleObj['max-width'] = styleObj['max-width'] || '100%'
attrs.style += ';-webkit-touch-callout:none'
// #endif
// 设置的宽度超出屏幕,为避免变形,高度转为自动
if (parseInt(styleObj.width) > windowWidth) {
styleObj.height = undefined
// 记录是否设置了宽高
if (!isNaN(parseInt(styleObj.width))) {
node.w = 'T'
if (!isNaN(parseInt(styleObj.height)) && (!styleObj.height.includes('%') || (parent && (parent.attrs.style || '').includes('height')))) {
node.h = 'T'
} else if (node.name === 'svg') {
for (const key in styleObj) {
if (styleObj[key]) {
attrs.style += `;${key}:${styleObj[key].replace(' !important', '')}`
attrs.style = attrs.style.substr(1) || undefined
// #ifdef (MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ) && VUE3
if (!attrs.style) {
delete attrs.style
// #endif
} else {
if ((node.name === 'pre' || ((attrs.style || '').includes('white-space') && attrs.style.includes('pre'))) && this.pre !== 2) {
this.pre = node.pre = 1
node.children = []
// 加入节点树
* @description 解析到标签结束
* @param {String} name 标签名
* @private
Parser.prototype.onCloseTag = function (name) {
// 依次出栈到匹配为止
name = this.xml ? name : name.toLowerCase()
let i
for (i = this.stack.length; i--;) {
if (this.stack[i].name === name) break
if (i !== -1) {
while (this.stack.length > i) {
} else if (name === 'p' || name === 'br') {
const siblings = this.stack.length ? this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].children : this.nodes
attrs: {
class: tagSelector[name] || '',
style: this.tagStyle[name] || ''
* @description 处理标签出栈
* @private
Parser.prototype.popNode = function () {
const node = this.stack.pop()
let attrs = node.attrs
const children = node.children
const parent = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
const siblings = parent ? parent.children : this.nodes
if (!this.hook(node) || config.ignoreTags[node.name]) {
// 获取标题
if (node.name === 'title' && children.length && children[0].type === 'text' && this.options.setTitle) {
title: children[0].text
if (node.pre && this.pre !== 2) {
// 是否合并空白符标识
this.pre = node.pre = undefined
for (let i = this.stack.length; i--;) {
if (this.stack[i].pre) {
this.pre = 1
const styleObj = {}
// 转换 svg
if (node.name === 'svg') {
if (this.xml > 1) {
// 多层 svg 嵌套
// #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
(function traversal (node) {
if (node.name) {
// 调整 svg 的大小写
node.name = config.svgDict[node.name] || node.name
for (const item in node.attrs) {
if (config.svgDict[item]) {
node.attrs[config.svgDict[item]] = node.attrs[item]
node.attrs[item] = undefined
for (let i = 0; i < (node.children || []).length; i++) {
// #endif
// #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
let src = ''
const style = attrs.style
attrs.style = ''
attrs.xmlns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
(function traversal (node) {
if (node.type === 'text') {
src += node.text
const name = config.svgDict[node.name] || node.name
src += '<' + name
for (const item in node.attrs) {
const val = node.attrs[item]
if (val) {
src += ` ${config.svgDict[item] || item}="${val}"`
if (!node.children) {
src += '/>'
} else {
src += '>'
for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
src += '</' + name + '>'
node.name = 'img'
node.attrs = {
src: 'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,' + src.replace(/#/g, '%23'),
ignore: 'T'
node.children = undefined
// #endif
this.xml = false
// #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
// 转换 align 属性
if (attrs.align) {
if (node.name === 'table') {
if (attrs.align === 'center') {
styleObj['margin-inline-start'] = styleObj['margin-inline-end'] = 'auto'
} else {
styleObj.float = attrs.align
} else {
styleObj['text-align'] = attrs.align
attrs.align = undefined
// 转换 dir 属性
if (attrs.dir) {
styleObj.direction = attrs.dir
attrs.dir = undefined
// 转换 font 标签的属性
if (node.name === 'font') {
if (attrs.color) {
styleObj.color = attrs.color
attrs.color = undefined
if (attrs.face) {
styleObj['font-family'] = attrs.face
attrs.face = undefined
if (attrs.size) {
let size = parseInt(attrs.size)
if (!isNaN(size)) {
if (size < 1) {
size = 1
} else if (size > 7) {
size = 7
styleObj['font-size'] = ['x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large', 'xxx-large'][size - 1]
attrs.size = undefined
// #endif
// 一些编辑器的自带 class
if ((attrs.class || '').includes('align-center')) {
styleObj['text-align'] = 'center'
Object.assign(styleObj, this.parseStyle(node))
if (node.name !== 'table' && parseInt(styleObj.width) > windowWidth) {
styleObj['max-width'] = '100%'
styleObj['box-sizing'] = 'border-box'
// #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
if (config.blockTags[node.name]) {
node.name = 'div'
} else if (!config.trustTags[node.name] && !this.xml) {
// 未知标签转为 span,避免无法显示
node.name = 'span'
if (node.name === 'a' || node.name === 'ad'
// #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
|| node.name === 'iframe' // eslint-disable-line
// #endif
) {
} else if (node.name === 'video') {
if ((styleObj.height || '').includes('auto')) {
styleObj.height = undefined
/* #ifdef APP-PLUS */
let str = '<video style="width:100%;height:100%"'
for (const item in attrs) {
if (attrs[item]) {
str += ' ' + item + '="' + attrs[item] + '"'
if (this.options.pauseVideo) {
str += ' onplay="this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(\'vplay\',{bubbles:!0}));for(var e=document.getElementsByTagName(\'video\'),t=0;t<e.length;t++)e[t]!=this&&e[t].pause()"'
str += '>'
for (let i = 0; i < node.src.length; i++) {
str += '<source src="' + node.src[i] + '">'
str += '</video>'
node.html = str
/* #endif */
} else if ((node.name === 'ul' || node.name === 'ol') && node.c) {
// 列表处理
const types = {
a: 'lower-alpha',
A: 'upper-alpha',
i: 'lower-roman',
I: 'upper-roman'
if (types[attrs.type]) {
attrs.style += ';list-style-type:' + types[attrs.type]
attrs.type = undefined
for (let i = children.length; i--;) {
if (children[i].name === 'li') {
children[i].c = 1
} else if (node.name === 'table') {
// 表格处理
// cellpadding、cellspacing、border 这几个常用表格属性需要通过转换实现
let padding = parseFloat(attrs.cellpadding)
let spacing = parseFloat(attrs.cellspacing)
const border = parseFloat(attrs.border)
const bordercolor = styleObj['border-color']
const borderstyle = styleObj['border-style']
if (node.c) {
// padding 和 spacing 默认 2
if (isNaN(padding)) {
padding = 2
if (isNaN(spacing)) {
spacing = 2
if (border) {
attrs.style += `;border:${border}px ${borderstyle || 'solid'} ${bordercolor || 'gray'}`
if (node.flag && node.c) {
// 有 colspan 或 rowspan 且含有链接的表格通过 grid 布局实现
styleObj.display = 'grid'
if (spacing) {
styleObj['grid-gap'] = spacing + 'px'
styleObj.padding = spacing + 'px'
} else if (border) {
// 无间隔的情况下避免边框重叠
attrs.style += ';border-left:0;border-top:0'
const width = [] // 表格的列宽
const trList = [] // tr 列表
const cells = [] // 保存新的单元格
const map = {}; // 被合并单元格占用的格子
(function traversal (nodes) {
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
if (nodes[i].name === 'tr') {
} else {
traversal(nodes[i].children || [])
for (let row = 1; row <= trList.length; row++) {
let col = 1
for (let j = 0; j < trList[row - 1].children.length; j++) {
const td = trList[row - 1].children[j]
if (td.name === 'td' || td.name === 'th') {
// 这个格子被上面的单元格占用,则列号++
while (map[row + '.' + col]) {
let style = td.attrs.style || ''
let start = style.indexOf('width') ? style.indexOf(';width') : 0
// 提取出 td 的宽度
if (start !== -1) {
let end = style.indexOf(';', start + 6)
if (end === -1) {
end = style.length
if (!td.attrs.colspan) {
width[col] = style.substring(start ? start + 7 : 6, end)
style = style.substr(0, start) + style.substr(end)
// 设置竖直对齐
style += ';display:flex'
start = style.indexOf('vertical-align')
if (start !== -1) {
const val = style.substr(start + 15, 10)
if (val.includes('middle')) {
style += ';align-items:center'
} else if (val.includes('bottom')) {
style += ';align-items:flex-end'
} else {
style += ';align-items:center'
// 设置水平对齐
start = style.indexOf('text-align')
if (start !== -1) {
const val = style.substr(start + 11, 10)
if (val.includes('center')) {
style += ';justify-content: center'
} else if (val.includes('right')) {
style += ';justify-content: right'
style = (border ? `;border:${border}px ${borderstyle || 'solid'} ${bordercolor || 'gray'}` + (spacing ? '' : ';border-right:0;border-bottom:0') : '') + (padding ? `;padding:${padding}px` : '') + ';' + style
// 处理列合并
if (td.attrs.colspan) {
style += `;grid-column-start:${col};grid-column-end:${col + parseInt(td.attrs.colspan)}`
if (!td.attrs.rowspan) {
style += `;grid-row-start:${row};grid-row-end:${row + 1}`
col += parseInt(td.attrs.colspan) - 1
// 处理行合并
if (td.attrs.rowspan) {
style += `;grid-row-start:${row};grid-row-end:${row + parseInt(td.attrs.rowspan)}`
if (!td.attrs.colspan) {
style += `;grid-column-start:${col};grid-column-end:${col + 1}`
// 记录下方单元格被占用
for (let rowspan = 1; rowspan < td.attrs.rowspan; rowspan++) {
for (let colspan = 0; colspan < (td.attrs.colspan || 1); colspan++) {
map[(row + rowspan) + '.' + (col - colspan)] = 1
if (style) {
td.attrs.style = style
if (row === 1) {
let temp = ''
for (let i = 1; i < col; i++) {
temp += (width[i] ? width[i] : 'auto') + ' '
styleObj['grid-template-columns'] = temp
node.children = cells
} else {
// 没有使用合并单元格的表格通过 table 布局实现
if (node.c) {
styleObj.display = 'table'
if (!isNaN(spacing)) {
styleObj['border-spacing'] = spacing + 'px'
if (border || padding) {
// 遍历
(function traversal (nodes) {
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
const td = nodes[i]
if (td.name === 'th' || td.name === 'td') {
if (border) {
td.attrs.style = `border:${border}px ${borderstyle || 'solid'} ${bordercolor || 'gray'};${td.attrs.style || ''}`
if (padding) {
td.attrs.style = `padding:${padding}px;${td.attrs.style || ''}`
} else if (td.children) {
// 给表格添加一个单独的横向滚动层
if (this.options.scrollTable && !(attrs.style || '').includes('inline')) {
const table = Object.assign({}, node)
node.name = 'div'
node.attrs = {
style: 'overflow:auto'
node.children = [table]
attrs = table.attrs
} else if ((node.name === 'td' || node.name === 'th') && (attrs.colspan || attrs.rowspan)) {
for (let i = this.stack.length; i--;) {
if (this.stack[i].name === 'table') {
this.stack[i].flag = 1 // 指示含有合并单元格
} else if (node.name === 'ruby') {
// 转换 ruby
node.name = 'span'
for (let i = 0; i < children.length - 1; i++) {
if (children[i].type === 'text' && children[i + 1].name === 'rt') {
children[i] = {
name: 'div',
attrs: {
style: 'display:inline-block;text-align:center'
children: [{
name: 'div',
attrs: {
style: 'font-size:50%;' + (children[i + 1].attrs.style || '')
children: children[i + 1].children
}, children[i]]
children.splice(i + 1, 1)
} else if (node.c) {
(function traversal (node) {
node.c = 2
for (let i = node.children.length; i--;) {
const child = node.children[i]
// #ifdef (MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || APP-PLUS || MP-360) && VUE3
if (child.name && (config.inlineTags[child.name] || ((child.attrs.style || '').includes('inline') && child.children)) && !child.c) {
// #endif
if (!child.c || child.name === 'table') {
node.c = 1
if ((styleObj.display || '').includes('flex') && !node.c) {
for (let i = children.length; i--;) {
const item = children[i]
if (item.f) {
item.attrs.style = (item.attrs.style || '') + item.f
item.f = undefined
// flex 布局时部分样式需要提取到 rich-text 外层
const flex = parent && ((parent.attrs.style || '').includes('flex') || (parent.attrs.style || '').includes('grid'))
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
// 检查基础库版本 virtualHost 是否可用
&& !(node.c && wx.getNFCAdapter) // eslint-disable-line
// #endif
&& !node.c // eslint-disable-line
// #endif
if (flex) {
node.f = ';max-width:100%'
if (children.length >= 50 && node.c && !(styleObj.display || '').includes('flex')) {
// #endif
for (const key in styleObj) {
if (styleObj[key]) {
const val = `;${key}:${styleObj[key].replace(' !important', '')}`
/* #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE */
if (flex && ((key.includes('flex') && key !== 'flex-direction') || key === 'align-self' || key.includes('grid') || styleObj[key][0] === '-' || (key.includes('width') && val.includes('%')))) {
node.f += val
if (key === 'width') {
attrs.style += ';width:100%'
} else /* #endif */ {
attrs.style += val
attrs.style = attrs.style.substr(1) || undefined
// #ifdef (MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ) && VUE3
for (const key in attrs) {
if (!attrs[key]) {
delete attrs[key]
// #endif
* @description 解析到文本
* @param {String} text 文本内容
Parser.prototype.onText = function (text) {
if (!this.pre) {
// 合并空白符
let trim = ''
let flag
for (let i = 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++) {
if (!blankChar[text[i]]) {
trim += text[i]
} else {
if (trim[trim.length - 1] !== ' ') {
trim += ' '
if (text[i] === '\n' && !flag) {
flag = true
// 去除含有换行符的空串
if (trim === ' ') {
if (flag) return
// #ifdef VUE3
else {
const parent = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
if (parent && parent.name[0] === 't') return
// #endif
text = trim
const node = Object.create(null)
node.type = 'text'
// #ifdef (MP-BAIDU || MP-ALIPAY || MP-TOUTIAO) && VUE3
node.attrs = {}
// #endif
node.text = decodeEntity(text)
if (this.hook(node)) {
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
if (this.options.selectable === 'force' && system.includes('iOS') && !uni.canIUse('rich-text.user-select')) {
// #endif
const siblings = this.stack.length ? this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].children : this.nodes
* @description html 词法分析器
* @param {Object} handler 高层处理器
function Lexer (handler) {
this.handler = handler
* @description 执行解析
* @param {String} content 要解析的文本
Lexer.prototype.parse = function (content) {
this.content = content || ''
this.i = 0 // 标记解析位置
this.start = 0 // 标记一个单词的开始位置
this.state = this.text // 当前状态
for (let len = this.content.length; this.i !== -1 && this.i < len;) {
* @description 检查标签是否闭合
* @param {String} method 如果闭合要进行的操作
* @returns {Boolean} 是否闭合
* @private
Lexer.prototype.checkClose = function (method) {
const selfClose = this.content[this.i] === '/'
if (this.content[this.i] === '>' || (selfClose && this.content[this.i + 1] === '>')) {
if (method) {
this.handler[method](this.content.substring(this.start, this.i))
this.i += selfClose ? 2 : 1
this.start = this.i
if (this.handler.tagName === 'script') {
this.i = this.content.indexOf('</', this.i)
if (this.i !== -1) {
this.i += 2
this.start = this.i
this.state = this.endTag
} else {
this.state = this.text
return true
return false
* @description 文本状态
* @private
Lexer.prototype.text = function () {
this.i = this.content.indexOf('<', this.i) // 查找最近的标签
if (this.i === -1) {
// 没有标签了
if (this.start < this.content.length) {
this.handler.onText(this.content.substring(this.start, this.content.length))
const c = this.content[this.i + 1]
if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')) {
// 标签开头
if (this.start !== this.i) {
this.handler.onText(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i))
this.start = ++this.i
this.state = this.tagName
} else if (c === '/' || c === '!' || c === '?') {
if (this.start !== this.i) {
this.handler.onText(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i))
const next = this.content[this.i + 2]
if (c === '/' && ((next >= 'a' && next <= 'z') || (next >= 'A' && next <= 'Z'))) {
// 标签结尾
this.i += 2
this.start = this.i
this.state = this.endTag
// 处理注释
let end = '-->'
if (c !== '!' || this.content[this.i + 2] !== '-' || this.content[this.i + 3] !== '-') {
end = '>'
this.i = this.content.indexOf(end, this.i)
if (this.i !== -1) {
this.i += end.length
this.start = this.i
} else {
* @description 标签名状态
* @private
Lexer.prototype.tagName = function () {
if (blankChar[this.content[this.i]]) {
// 解析到标签名
this.handler.onTagName(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i))
while (blankChar[this.content[++this.i]]);
if (this.i < this.content.length && !this.checkClose()) {
this.start = this.i
this.state = this.attrName
} else if (!this.checkClose('onTagName')) {
* @description 属性名状态
* @private
Lexer.prototype.attrName = function () {
let c = this.content[this.i]
if (blankChar[c] || c === '=') {
// 解析到属性名
this.handler.onAttrName(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i))
let needVal = c === '='
const len = this.content.length
while (++this.i < len) {
c = this.content[this.i]
if (!blankChar[c]) {
if (this.checkClose()) return
if (needVal) {
// 等号后遇到第一个非空字符
this.start = this.i
this.state = this.attrVal
if (this.content[this.i] === '=') {
needVal = true
} else {
this.start = this.i
this.state = this.attrName
} else if (!this.checkClose('onAttrName')) {
* @description 属性值状态
* @private
Lexer.prototype.attrVal = function () {
const c = this.content[this.i]
const len = this.content.length
if (c === '"' || c === "'") {
// 有冒号的属性
this.start = ++this.i
this.i = this.content.indexOf(c, this.i)
if (this.i === -1) return
this.handler.onAttrVal(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i))
} else {
// 没有冒号的属性
for (; this.i < len; this.i++) {
if (blankChar[this.content[this.i]]) {
this.handler.onAttrVal(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i))
} else if (this.checkClose('onAttrVal')) return
while (blankChar[this.content[++this.i]]);
if (this.i < len && !this.checkClose()) {
this.start = this.i
this.state = this.attrName
* @description 结束标签状态
* @returns {String} 结束的标签名
* @private
Lexer.prototype.endTag = function () {
const c = this.content[this.i]
if (blankChar[c] || c === '>' || c === '/') {
this.handler.onCloseTag(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i))
if (c !== '>') {
this.i = this.content.indexOf('>', this.i)
if (this.i === -1) return
this.start = ++this.i
this.state = this.text
} else {
export default Parser