You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
501 lines
14 KiB
501 lines
14 KiB
<template> |
<view :class="[{oh: !per}]"> |
<view class="page"> |
<!-- <view class="bg"></view> --> |
<view :class="['search-wrap', {expand}]" :style="{paddingRight: menuBtnInfo.width + 8 + 'px', paddingTop: + 'px'}"> |
<view class="platform"> |
<image class="logo" src="" mode="widthFix"></image> |
<text class="name">幼教产业B2B产业平台</text> |
</view> |
<uni-icons class="icon" type="search" size="22" color="#fff" @click="showSearch"></uni-icons> |
<uni-search-bar class="search-bar" ref="searchBar" radius="30" placeholder="请输入" :focus="expand" v-model="keyword" clearButton="auto" cancelButton="none" @confirm="initList" @clear="clearKeyword" /> |
</view> |
<view class="banner"> |
<uni-swiper-dot class="swiper" v-if="banners.length" :current="curBanner" :info="banners" field="id" mode="round" :dotsStyles="dotsStyles"> |
<swiper class="swiper-box" autoplay @change="bannerChange"> |
<swiper-item v-for="(item, i) in banners" :key="i"> |
<image class="pic" :src="item.coverUrl" @click="toLink(item, 1)"></image> |
</swiper-item> |
</swiper> |
</uni-swiper-dot> |
<image v-else class="pic" src=""></image> |
</view> |
<view class="module"> |
<view class="title-wrap"> |
<view class="title">爆款推荐</view> |
</view> |
<uni-swiper-dot class="swiper" v-if="hots.length" :current="curHot" :info="hots" field="id" mode="round" :dotsStyles="dotsStyles1"> |
<swiper class="swiper-box" autoplay @change="hotChange"> |
<swiper-item v-for="(item, i) in hots" :key="i"> |
<image class="hot" :src="item.coverUrl" @click="toLink(item, 0)"></image> |
</swiper-item> |
</swiper> |
</uni-swiper-dot> |
<image v-else class="hot" src=""></image> |
</view> |
<view class="module"> |
<view class="title">活动速递</view> |
<ul class="tab-wrap"> |
<view class="tab"> |
<li :class="{active: curTab === ''}" @click="tabChange('')">全部</li> |
</view> |
<scroll-view scroll-x :scroll-left="scrollLeft" class="tab tab-scroll"> |
<li v-for="(tab, i) in tabs" :key="i" :class="{active: curTab ===}" @click="tabChange(tab)">{{ tab.classificationName }}</li> |
</scroll-view> |
</ul> |
<view class="list"> |
<view v-for="(item, i) in list" :key="i" class="item" @click="toDetail(item)"> |
<image class="pic" :src="item.coverUrl"></image> |
<view class="texts"> |
<view class="name ell">{{ item.competitionName }}</view> |
<view v-if="item.signUpStartTime" class="meta">报名时间:{{ item.signUpStartTime.substr(0, 16) }}</view> |
<view class="meta ell">主办方:{{ item.sponsor }}</view> |
<view v-if="item.whetherToShowApplicants === '1'" class="meta ell">{{ item.applicantNum }}/{{ item.quantityLimit }}人已报名</view> |
<view v-if="item.status !== '' && item.whetherToSignUp" class="status">{{ statusList[item.status] }}</view> |
<view v-if="item.signing" class="sign" @click.stop="presign(item)">报名</view> |
<view v-if="!item.whetherToSignUp" class="signed">已报名</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view v-if="!per" class="per-mask">功能升级中,敬请期待...</view> |
<!-- <uni-popup ref="popup" type="dialog"> |
<uni-popup-dialog mode="input" placeholder="请输入4位数邀请码" :duration="2000" :before-close="true" @close="closePopup" @confirm="codeSubmit"></uni-popup-dialog> |
</uni-popup> --> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { postLoginActivity, individualEventRegistration, cancelRegistration, categoryList, explosiveList } from '@/apis/modules/activity.js' |
import Util from '@/libs/util' |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
per: true, // 是否有权限 |
teamId: uni.getStorageSync('teamId') || '', |
platformId: uni.getStorageSync('platformId'), |
statusList: ['待开始', '已截止报名', '已结束'], |
curBanner: 0, |
curHot: 0, |
dotsStyles: { |
backgroundColor: 'rgba(83, 200, 249,0.3)', |
border: '1px rgba(83, 200, 249,0.3) solid', |
color: '#fff', |
selectedBackgroundColor: 'rgba(83, 200, 249,0.9)', |
selectedBorder: '1px rgba(83, 200, 249,0.9) solid' |
}, |
dotsStyles1: { |
backgroundColor: 'rgba(79, 115, 221,0.6)', |
border: '1px rgba(100, 138, 249, 0.8) solid', |
color: '#fff', |
selectedBackgroundColor: 'rgba(59, 119, 233, 0.9)', |
selectedBorder: '1px rgba(72, 132, 245, 0.9) solid' |
}, |
banners: [], |
hots: [], |
reachBottom: 0, // 是否是上拉加载。0->否,1->是,-1->加载完所有数据 |
status: 'more', // 上拉加载状态 more|loading|noMore |
keyword: '', |
list: [], |
page: 1, |
pageSize: 5, |
total: 0, |
curTab: '', |
curItem: null, |
timer: null, |
now: '', |
invitationCode: '', |
submiting: false, |
tabs: [], |
scrollLeft: 0, |
headerTop: 0, |
menuBtnInfo: {}, |
expand: false |
} |
}, |
// 下拉刷新 |
onPullDownRefresh() { |
this.initList() |
setTimeout(() => { |
uni.stopPullDownRefresh() |
}, 1500) |
}, |
// 上拉加载 |
onReachBottom() { |
if (this.reachBottom >= 0) { |
this.reachBottom = 1 |
this.status = 'loading' |
this.getList() |
} |
}, |
onShow() { |
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN |
this.menuBtnInfo = uni.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect() |
// .top + 8 + 'px' |
// #endif |
// uni.setStorageSync('token', 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1c2VyIiwiaWF0IjoxNzA1OTk4NTU2LCJleHAiOjE3MDY4NjI1NTYsImFjY291bnRJZCI6IjUwNTAiLCJzaG9wSWQiOjM2LCJwbGF0Zm9ybUlkIjo2fQ.y4PVCH76hXp3gC1J44h83KpYBmfIyeM4SP8G7ru3P8M') |
// uni.setStorageSync('openId', 'o3hKk686kGjgMygKdPTJd5KQQ7CA') |
this.keyword = '' |
this.curTab = '' |
this.per = true |
this.getBanner() |
this.getCategory() |
this.initList() |
}, |
methods: { |
initList() { |
| = 1 |
this.reachBottom = 0 |
this.getList() |
}, |
// 列表 |
getList() { |
uni.showLoading({ |
title: '加载中' |
}) |
postLoginActivity({ |
pageNum:, |
pageSize: this.pageSize, |
listType: 0, |
keyWord: this.keyword, |
classificationId: this.curTab, |
platformSource: '', |
// platformSource: this.platformId === 7 ? 1 : this.platformId, |
}).then(async ({ data }) => { |
this.list = this.reachBottom > 0 ? [...this.list,] : data.records |
| // 每次获取了数据后page+1 |
const noMore = this.list.length === // 是否加载完所有数据 |
this.status = noMore ? 'noMore' : 'more' // 加载完了则设置为noMore |
this.reachBottom = noMore ? -1 : 0 // 加载完了则设置为-1 |
| = await Util.getNow() |
this.statusInterval() |
uni.hideLoading() |
this.timer = setInterval(() => { |
| = new Date( + 1)) |
this.statusInterval() |
}, 1000) |
}).catch(e => { |
uni.hideLoading() |
}) |
}, |
async statusInterval () { |
| => { |
if (item.signUpStartTime && item.signUpEndTime) { |
this.handleStatus(item) |
} |
}) |
}, |
// 定时处理时间及状态 |
handleStatus (item) { |
let status = '' |
let signing = 0 |
const signUpStartTime = new Date(item.signUpStartTime) // 报名开始时间 |
const signUpEndTime = new Date(item.signUpEndTime) // 报名结束时间 |
const playStartTime = new Date(item.playStartTime) // 活动开始时间 |
const playEndTime = new Date(item.playEndTime) // 活动结束时间 |
const { now } = this |
// 报名中(whetherToSignUp 是否已报名 0为已报名 1为未报名) |
if (now < signUpStartTime) { |
// 待开始 |
status = 0 |
} else if (now > signUpStartTime && now < signUpEndTime) { |
if (item.whetherToSignUp) signing = 1 |
} else if (now > signUpEndTime && now < playEndTime) { |
// 已截止报名 |
status = 1 |
} else if (now > playEndTime) { |
// 已结束 |
status = 2 |
} |
this.$set(item, 'signing', signing) |
this.$set(item, 'status', status) |
}, |
// 获取分类 |
async getCategory() { |
const { page } = await categoryList() |
this.tabs = page |
}, |
// 获取banner及爆款 |
getBanner() { |
// banner |
explosiveList({ |
pageNum: 1, |
pageSize: 5, |
enabledState: 0, |
type: 1 |
}).then(({ data }) => { |
this.banners = data.records |
}).catch(e => {}) |
// 爆款 |
explosiveList({ |
pageNum: 1, |
pageSize: 5, |
enabledState: 0, |
type: 0 |
}).then(({ data }) => { |
data.records.forEach(e => { |
if (e.coverUrl.includes(',')) e.coverUrl = e.coverUrl.split(',')[0] |
}) |
this.hots = data.records |
}).catch(e => {}) |
}, |
// 展开keyword输入框 |
showSearch() { |
this.expand = true |
}, |
// 清除keyword回调 |
clearKeyword() { |
this.expand = false |
this.keyword = '' |
this.initList() |
}, |
// 图片切换 |
bannerChange(e) { |
this.curBanner = e.detail.current; |
}, |
// 图片切换 |
hotChange(e) { |
this.curHot = e.detail.current; |
}, |
// 跳转链接 |
toLink(item, type) { |
// details 1: 详情,2:链接 (爆款才有详情,banner只有链接) |
if (item.details === '1' && !type) { |
this.$'/other/hotDetail/hotDetail?id=' + |
} else { |
// link 1小程序内链接,2外连接 |
if ( === '1') { |
const { selectLinkId, correspondingLinkId } = item |
// selectLinkId 1商品(商品的是有供应商id跟商品id组成),2活动,3供应商,4店铺 |
if (selectLinkId === '1') { |
if (correspondingLinkId.includes(',')) { |
const ids = correspondingLinkId.split(',') |
ids.length === 2 && this.$`/other/goodsDetail/goodsDetail?prodId=${ids[1]}`) |
} |
} else if (selectLinkId === '2') { |
this.$'/other/activityDetail/activityDetail?id=' + correspondingLinkId) |
} else if (selectLinkId === '3') { |
this.$'/other/supplierDetail/supplierDetail?teamId=' + correspondingLinkId) |
} |
} else if (item.jumpLink) { // 外部链接 |
this.$'/other/webview/webview?url=' + item.jumpLink) |
} |
} |
}, |
// 跳转活动详情 |
toDetail(item) { |
this.$'/other/activityDetail/activityDetail?id=' + |
}, |
// tab切换 |
tabChange(tab) { |
this.curTab = |
this.initList() |
}, |
// 报名前的判断 |
async presign(item) { |
this.invitationCode = '' |
this.curItem = item |
// 需要输入验证码就弹出邀请码弹框,否则直接报名 |
item.isNeedCode ? this.$ : this.sign() |
}, |
// 报名 |
async sign() { |
const res = await individualEventRegistration({ |
competitionId:, |
registrationInvitationCode: this.invitationCode |
}) |
this.initList() |
this.$util.sucMsg('报名成功!') |
this.closePopup() |
}, |
// 关闭邀请码弹框 |
closePopup() { |
this.$refs.popup.close() |
}, |
// 邀请码确定 |
codeSubmit(value) { |
if (!value || value.length !== 4) return this.$util.errMsg('请输入4位数邀请码!') |
this.invitationCode = value |
this.sign() |
}, |
// 取消报名 |
cancelSign(row) { |
if (this.submiting) return false |
this.submiting = true |
const that = this |
uni.showModal({ |
title: '提示', |
content: '确定要取消报名吗?', |
success(res) { |
if (res.confirm) { |
cancelRegistration( => { |
that.$util.sucMsg('取消报名成功') |
that.initList() |
that.submiting = false |
}).catch(res => {}) |
} else { |
that.submiting = false |
} |
} |
}) |
}, |
} |
} |
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