You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
189 lines
4.9 KiB
189 lines
4.9 KiB
1 year ago
<view class="wrap">
<view class="title">欢迎加入</view>
<view class="wel">
<image class="icon" src="" mode="widthFix" />
<view class="text">{{ teamName + '邀请你加入他的团队' }}</view>
<view class="inner">
<view class="input">
<uni-easyinput type="text" v-model="" placeholder="请输入你的真实姓名" :clearable="false" />
<view class="input">
<uni-easyinput type="number" v-model="" placeholder="请填写你的手机号" maxlength="11" :clearable="false" />
<view class="input code-wrap">
<uni-easyinput class="code" type="number" v-model="form.code" placeholder="验证码" maxlength="6" :clearable="false" />
<view class="send-code" @click="sendCode" :disabled="codeDisabled">{{ phoneBtnText }}</view>
<button class="submit" type="primary" @click="submit">立即加入</button>
import { sendPhoneOrEmailCode, inviteJoinOrganization } from '@/apis/modules/user.js'
export default {
data () {
return {
teamName: '',
form: {
accountId: '',
classificationId: '',
platformId: '',
phone: '',
code: '',
name: '',
rules: {
phone: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入手机号', trigger: 'blur' }
code: [
{ required: true, message: "请输入验证码", trigger: 'blur' }
repeat: false, // 是否有已存在用户,有的话禁填用户名和账号
codeDisabled: false,
phoneTimer: null,
phoneOpener: '',
phoneBtnText: '发送验证码',
submiting: false // 新增编辑防抖标识
onShow () {
const pages = getCurrentPages()
const { options } = pages[pages.length - 1]
this.teamName = options.teamName
this.form.accountId = options.accountId
this.form.classificationId =
this.form.platformId = options.platformId
methods: {
// 验证手机号
verifyPhone (phone) {
if (!phone) {
return false
if (!/^1[3456789]\d{9}$/.test(phone) && !/^([a-zA-Z]|[0-9])(\w|\-)+@[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,4})$/.test(phone)) {
return false
return true
// 验证码倒计时
phoneCountdown () {
let count = 60
if (!this.phoneTimer) {
this.codeDisabled = true
this.phoneTimer = setInterval(() => {
if (count > 0) {
this.phoneBtnText = `${count}秒后重试`
} else {
this.codeDisabled = false
this.phoneTimer = null
this.phoneBtnText = `发送验证码`
}, 1000)
// 发送验证码
sendCode () {
const { phone } = this.form
if (!this.verifyPhone(phone)) return false
types: 2
}).then(({ message }) => {
if (message.opener) {
this.phoneOpener = message.opener
} else {
}).catch(res => { })
// 提交
submit () {
if (this.submiting) return false
if (this.phoneRepeat) return this.$util.errMsg("该手机号已存在")
const { form } = this
form.uniqueIdentification =
this.submiting = true
inviteJoinOrganization(form).then(res => {
setTimeout(() => {
url: '/team/joinSuccess/joinSuccess'
}, 1500)
}).catch(res => {
this.submiting = false
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.wrap {
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border-radius: 6px;
background-color: #fff;
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color: #fff;
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margin: 50rpx 0 30rpx;
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input {
border-color: #dedede !important;
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.code {
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.send-code {
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color: #4386ff;
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