You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

109 lines
3.9 KiB

import Setting from "@/setting";
import util from "@/libs/util";
import { post, get, del, put } from "@/plugins/requests/index.js";
import api from "@/api";
import addRoutes from "@/libs/route/addRoutes";
* 用户信息
* */
export default {
namespaced: true,
state: {
customer: false, // true:为客户,没有个人中心
customerName: "", // 客户名称
title: "",
logoUrl: "",
avatar: "",
userId: 3,
userName: "",
roleId: "",
dataTime: ""
mutations: {
SET_INFO: (state, info) => {
if (info.avatar) state.avatar = info.userAvatars;
state.userId = info.userId;
state.userName = info.userName;
state.roleId = info.roleId;
state.dataTime = info.dataTime;
SET_CUSTOMER: (state, customer) => {
state.customer = customer;
SET_CUSTOMER_NAME: (state, customerName) => {
state.customerName = customerName;
SET_TITLE: (state, title) => {
state.title = title;
SET_LOGO_URL: (state, logoUrl) => {
state.logoUrl = logoUrl;
SET_AVATAR: (state, avatar) => {
state.avatar = avatar;
SET_USERNAME: (state, userName) => {
state.userName = userName;
actions: {
login({ state, commit }, userInfo) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
post(api.logins, userInfo).then(res => {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(res));
if (res.status == 200) {
let { data } = res;
// 生成路由权限
// 每个系统都是用这套角色权限代码的,后端也是基本一样,除了个别字段可能会不一样
// 总体来说就两个步骤: 1是生成能够访问的路由的数组集合,2是生成能看到的按钮的数组集合
// res.message.listValue && Setting.dynamicRoute && addRoutes(res.message.listValue)
// 2021-10-13重做权限,因权限系统封装
util.local.set(Setting.tokenKey, data.token, Setting.tokenExpires);
commit("SET_CUSTOMER", data.customer);
commit("SET_CUSTOMER_NAME", data.customerName);
commit("SET_INFO", data);
} else {
}).catch(error => {
logout({ commit, state, dispatch }) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setInfo({ state, commit }, info) {
commit("SET_INFO", info);
setTitle({ state, commit }, title) {
commit("SET_TITLE", title);
setLogoUrl({ state, commit }, logoUrl) {
commit("SET_LOGO_URL", logoUrl);
setCustomer({ state, commit }, customer) {
commit("SET_CUSTOMER", customer);
setCustomerName({ state, commit }, customerName) {
commit("SET_CUSTOMER_NAME", customerName);
setAvatar({ state, commit }, avatar) {
commit("SET_AVATAR", avatar);
setUserName({ state, commit }, userName) {
commit("SET_USERNAME", userName);