You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

598 lines
17 KiB

<view class="wrap">
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<view class="file-wrap">
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<cover-image class="icon" src="https://eduvessel.com/images/occupationlab/list.png" mode="widthFix" @click="showPlayList" />
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<cover-image class="close" src="https://eduvessel.com/images/occupationlab/close.png" mode="widthFix" @click="hidePlayList" />
<cover-view class="chapters-scroll">
<cover-view v-for="(item, i) in chapterList" :key="i" class="chapter">
<cover-view class="chapterName">{{ item.name }}</cover-view>
<cover-view class="section" v-if="item.subsectionList.length">
<cover-view v-for="(section, j) in item.subsectionList" :key="j"class="sectionName" :class="{ active: curRow.id === section.id }" @click="secClick(section, item)">
<cover-image v-if="section.fileType === 'pptx'" class="ext" src="https://eduvessel.com/images/occupationlab/exts/ppt.png" alt="" mode="widthFix" />
<cover-image v-else-if="section.fileType === 'mp4'" class="ext" src="https://eduvessel.com/images/occupationlab/exts/video.png" alt="" mode="widthFix" />
<cover-image v-else-if="section.fileType === 'doc' || section.fileType === 'docx'" class="ext"
src="https://eduvessel.com/images/occupationlab/exts/word.png" alt="" mode="widthFix" />
<cover-image v-else-if="section.fileType === 'txt'" class="ext" src="https://eduvessel.com/images/occupationlab/exts/txt.png" alt="" mode="widthFix" />
<cover-image v-else-if="section.fileType === 'pdf'" class="ext" src="https://eduvessel.com/images/occupationlab/exts/pdf.png" alt="" mode="widthFix" />
<cover-image v-else class="ext" src="https://eduvessel.com/images/occupationlab/exts/pic.png" alt="" mode="widthFix" />
<cover-view class="text">{{ section.name }}</cover-view>
<ul class="tabs">
<li v-for="(item, i) in tabs" :key="i" :class="{active: curTab === item.id}" @click="tabChange(item.id)">{{ item.name }}</li>
<view class="detail">
<!-- 课程介绍 -->
<view v-show="!curTab" class="des">
<mp-html class="des-html" :tag-style="mpStyle" :content="briefIntroduction"/>
<!-- 课程目录 -->
<view v-show="curTab === 1">
<view v-if="chapterList.length" class="chapters">
<view class="chapter" v-for="(item, i) in chapterList" :key="i">
<view class="chapterName">
{{ item.name }}
<uni-icons class="arrow" type="bottom" color="#909090" @click="toggleChapter(item)"></uni-icons>
<view :class="['section', {shrink: item.shrink}]" v-if="item.subsectionList.length">
<view v-for="(section, j) in item.subsectionList" :key="j"class="sectionName" :class="{ active: curRow.id === section.id }" @click="secClick(section, item)">
<image v-if="section.fileType === 'pptx'" class="ext" src="https://eduvessel.com/images/occupationlab/exts/ppt.png" alt="">
<image v-else-if="section.fileType === 'mp4'" class="ext" src="https://eduvessel.com/images/occupationlab/exts/video.png" alt="">
<image v-else-if="section.fileType === 'doc' || section.fileType === 'docx'" class="ext"
src="https://eduvessel.com/images/occupationlab/exts/word.png" alt="">
<image v-else-if="section.fileType === 'txt'" class="ext" src="https://eduvessel.com/images/occupationlab/exts/txt.png" alt="">
<image v-else-if="section.fileType === 'pdf'" class="ext" src="https://eduvessel.com/images/occupationlab/exts/pdf.png" alt="">
<image v-else class="ext" src="https://eduvessel.com/images/occupationlab/exts/pic.png" alt="">
{{ section.name }}
<!-- 练习成绩 -->
<view v-show="curTab === 2">
<view v-if="practices.length" class="list">
<view v-for="(item, i) in practices" :key="i" class="item" @click="toPrac(item)">
<view class="c-name">{{ item.projectName }}</view>
<view class="line">最高分:{{ item.hightScore }}&emsp;&emsp;练习次数:{{ item.practiceNum }}</view>
<view class="line">累计练习时长(小时):{{ item.hightScore }}</view>
<view class="line">最近练习时间:{{ item.lastTime }}</view>
<view class="btn">练习情况</view>
<empty v-else />
<!-- 考核成绩 -->
<view v-show="curTab === 3">
<view v-if="ass.length" class="list">
<view v-for="(item, i) in ass" :key="i" class="item" @click="toDetail(item)">
<view class="c-name">{{ item.experimentalName }}</view>
<view class="line">得分:{{ item.score }}&emsp;&emsp;耗时:{{ item.timeSum }}min</view>
<view class="line">考核开始时间:{{ item.startTime }}</view>
<view class="line">考核结束时间:{{ item.submitTime }}</view>
<view class="btn">成绩报告</view>
<empty v-else />
import { queryChaptersAndSubsections, detailsOfGoods, queryPracticeByStudent, queryAssessmentByStudent, getPlayAuth, playRecordSave } from '@/apis/modules/course.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
cid: '',
mallId: '',
startTime: Date.now(), // 页面进来的时间
curTab: 1,
tabs: [
name: '课程介绍',
id: 0
name: '课程目录',
id: 1
name: '练习成绩',
id: 2
name: '考核成绩',
id: 3
searchTimer: null,
keyword: '',
chapterList: [],
coverUrl: '',
briefIntroduction: '',
practices: [],
reachBottom: 0, // 是否是上拉加载。0->否,1->是,-1->加载完所有数据
status: 'more', // 上拉加载状态 more|loading|noMore
page: 1,
pageSize: 10,
ass: [],
reachBottomAss: 0, // 是否是上拉加载。0->否,1->是,-1->加载完所有数据
statusAss: 'more', // 上拉加载状态 more|loading|noMore
pageAss: 1,
pageSizeAss: 10,
dotsStyles: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(83, 200, 249,0.3)',
border: '1px rgba(83, 200, 249,0.3) solid',
color: '#fff',
selectedBackgroundColor: 'rgba(83, 200, 249,0.9)',
selectedBorder: '1px rgba(83, 200, 249,0.9) solid'
mpStyle: {
p: 'font-size: 25rpx !important;font-family: Microsoft Yahei !important;font-weight: 400 !important;color: #333 !important;',
span: 'font-size: 25rpx !important;font-family: Microsoft Yahei !important;font-weight: 400 !important;color: #333 !important;'
playAuth: '',
player: null,
curRow: {},
playListVisible: false,
videoFullScreen: false,
webviewStyles: {
progress: {
color: '#FF3333'
width: '100%',
height: '400'
watch: {
keyword () {
this.searchTimer = setTimeout(() => {
}, 500)
// 下拉刷新
onPullDownRefresh() {
this.curTab === 2 && this.initPrac()
this.curTab === 3 && this.initAss()
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1500)
// 上拉加载
onReachBottom() {
if (this.curTab === 2) {
// 练习
if (this.reachBottom >= 0) {
this.reachBottom = 1
this.status = 'loading'
} else if (this.curTab === 3) {
// 练习
if (this.reachBottomAss >= 0) {
this.reachBottomAss = 1
this.statusAss = 'loading'
onUnload () {
console.log('hide fn')
// 记录播放时长
if (this.cid) {
courseId: this.cid,
courseType: 0,
playTime: Math.ceil((Date.now() - this.startTime) / 1000 / 60)
onShow() {
const pages = getCurrentPages()
const { options } = pages[pages.length - 1]
this.cid = options.cid
this.mallId = options.mallId
methods: {
// 获取章节小节
async getChapter () {
if (this.cid) {
const res = await queryChaptersAndSubsections({
keyword: this.keyword,
courseId: this.cid,
this.chapterList = res.chapterList
// 获取介绍
async getInfo () {
if (this.mallId) {
const res = await detailsOfGoods({
mallId: this.mallId
const e = res.orderDetails.mall
this.coverUrl = e.coverDrawing
this.briefIntroduction = e.detailedIntroduction
// 练习成绩
async getPractices () {
const { page } = await queryPracticeByStudent({
pageNum: this.page,
pageSize: this.pageSize,
mallId: this.mallId,
curriculumId: this.cid
this.practices = this.reachBottom > 0 ? [...this.practices, ...page.records] : page.records
this.page++ // 每次获取了数据后page+1
const noMore = this.practices.length === page.total // 是否加载完所有数据
this.status = noMore ? 'noMore' : 'more' // 加载完了则设置为noMore
this.reachBottom = noMore ? -1 : 0 // 加载完了则设置为-1
// 考核成绩
async getAss () {
const { page } = await queryAssessmentByStudent({
pageNum: this.pageAss,
pageSize: this.pageSizeAss,
mallId: this.mallId,
curriculumId: this.cid
this.ass = this.reachBottom > 0 ? [...this.ass, ...page.records] : page.records
this.pageAss++ // 每次获取了数据后page+1
const noMore = this.ass.length === page.total // 是否加载完所有数据
this.statusAss = noMore ? 'noMore' : 'more' // 加载完了则设置为noMore
this.reachBottomAss = noMore ? -1 : 0 // 加载完了则设置为-1
initPrac() {
this.page = 1
this.reachBottom = 0
initAss() {
this.pageAss = 1
this.reachBottomAss = 0
// tab切换
tabChange(id) {
this.curTab = id
// !id && !this.briefIntroduction && this.getInfo()
id === 2 && !this.practices.length && this.initPrac()
id === 3 && !this.ass.length && this.initAss()
// 章节收缩
toggleChapter(item) {
this.$set(item, 'shrink', !item.shrink)
// 练习跳转
toPrac(row) {
this.$util.to(`../practiceDetail/practiceDetail?cid=${this.cid}&projectId=${row.projectId || ''}&paperId=${row.paperId || ''}`)
// 判断文件是图片/视频/pdf等
handleFileType(row) {
const type = row.fileType
if (this.$util.exts.video.includes(type)) {
row.isVideo = true
} else if (this.$util.exts.img.includes(type)) {
row.isPic = true
} else if (this.$util.exts.doc.includes(type)) {
row.isDoc = true
if (type === 'pptx' || type === 'ppt') row.fileUrl = 'https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=' + row.fileUrl
this.curRow = row
// 预览文件
secClick(row) {
this.playListVisible = false
this.videoFullScreen = false
// debugger
if (this.curRow.isVideo) {
// 阿里云视频点播
if (row.fileId) {
getPlayAuth(row.fileId).then(res => {
this.playAuth = res.playAuth;
// 如果已经产生了实例,则销毁重新创建,不然播放器会播放上一个视频
if (this.player) {
this.player = null
this.$nextTick(() => {
if (this.player) {
this.player.replayByVidAndPlayAuth(row.fileId, this.playAuth);
} else {
this.player = new Aliplayer({
id: "player",
width: "100%",
autoplay: false,
vid: row.fileId,
playauth: this.playAuth,
encryptType: 1 //当播放私有加密流时需要设置。
}).catch(res => { });
} else {
// const that = this
// uni.downloadFile({
// // url: this.curRow.fileUrl,
// url: 'https://huoran.oss-cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/1732589800544.xlsx',
// success: function(res) {
// console.log(11, res)
// uni.hideLoading();
// uni.showLoading({
// title: '正在打开',
// mask: true
// })
// // 新开页面打开文档,支持格式:doc, xls, ppt, pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx。
// uni.openDocument({
// filePath: res.tempFilePath,
// // fileType: that.curRow.fileType, // 文件类型,指定文件类型打开文件,有效值 doc, xls, ppt, pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx
// fileType: 'xlsx',
// showMenu: true, // 允许出现分享功能
// success: res => {
// uni.hideLoading()
// },
// fail: openError => {
// uni.hideLoading()
// }
// })
// },
// fail: function(err) {
// uni.hideLoading()
// }
// })
// 视频全屏回调
fullScreenChange(e) {
console.log(444, e)
const { fullScreen } = e.detail
this.playListVisible = false
this.videoFullScreen = fullScreen
// 选集
showPlayList() {
this.playListVisible = !this.playListVisible
hidePlayList() {
this.playListVisible = false
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