You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
639 lines
19 KiB
639 lines
19 KiB
<template> |
<view class="page"> |
<view class="block"> |
<view class="p-title"> |
<image class="icon" src="" mode="widthFix"></image> 账号信息 |
</view> |
<view class="form-list"> |
<button class="avatar-btn" open-type="chooseAvatar" @chooseavatar="onChooseAvatar"> |
<view class="avatar-left"> |
<image class="avatar" :src="hrUserInfo.avatar" mode=""></image> |
</view> |
<view class="val">修改头像</view> |
<uni-icons class="arrow" type="right" size="18" color="#ababab"></uni-icons> |
</button> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">账号</view> |
<view class="readonly">{{ userAccount.account }}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">学号</view> |
<input type="text" placeholder="请输入学号" v-model="userAccount.workNumber" /> |
</view> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">手机号</view> |
<view class="val">{{ }}</view> |
<view class="action" @click="$'/user/phone/phone')">更换</view> |
</view> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">邮箱</view> |
<view class="val">{{ }}</view> |
<view class="action" @click="$'/user/email/email')">{{ ? '更换' : '添加'}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">密码</view> |
<view class="val">xxxxxx</view> |
<view class="action" @click="$'/user/password/password')">更换</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="block"> |
<view class="p-title"> |
<image class="icon" src="" mode="widthFix"></image> 基本信息 |
</view> |
<view class="form-list"> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">姓名</view> |
<input type="text" placeholder="请输入姓名" v-model="hrUserInfo.userName" /> |
</view> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">性别</view> |
<uni-data-picker class="picker-input" ref="sex" placeholder="请选择性别" popup-title="请选择性别" preload :clear-icon="false" :localdata="sex" v-model=""></uni-data-picker> |
<uni-icons class="arrow" type="right" size="18" color="#ababab" @click="$"></uni-icons> |
</view> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">出生日期</view> |
<uni-datetime-picker class="picker-date" ref="dateBirth" type="date" placeholder="请选择出生日期" :clear-icon="false" v-model="hrUserInfo.dateBirth" /> |
<uni-icons class="arrow" type="right" size="18" color="#ababab" @click="$"></uni-icons> |
</view> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">身份证号</view> |
<input type="text" placeholder="请输入身份证号" v-model="hrUserInfo.idNumber" /> |
</view> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">所在国家</view> |
<view class="readonly">中国</view> |
</view> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">所在省份</view> |
<uni-data-picker class="picker-input" ref="provinceId" placeholder="请选择省份" popup-title="请选择省份" preload :clear-icon="false" :localdata="provinces" v-model="hrUserInfo.provinceId" @change="getCity"></uni-data-picker> |
<uni-icons class="arrow" type="right" size="18" color="#ababab" @click="$"></uni-icons> |
</view> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">所在城市</view> |
<uni-data-picker class="picker-input" ref="cityId" placeholder="请选择城市" popup-title="请选择城市" preload :clear-icon="false" :localdata="cities" v-model="hrUserInfo.cityId" :readonly="!hrUserInfo.provinceId"></uni-data-picker> |
<uni-icons class="arrow" type="right" size="18" color="#ababab" @click="$"></uni-icons> |
</view> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">受教育程度</view> |
<uni-data-picker class="picker-input" ref="educationDegree" placeholder="请选择受教育程度" popup-title="请选择受教育程度" preload :clear-icon="false" :localdata="educationDegreeList" v-model="hrUserInfo.educationDegree"></uni-data-picker> |
<uni-icons class="arrow" type="right" size="18" color="#ababab" @click="$"></uni-icons> |
</view> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">当前所在学校</view> |
<view class="readonly">{{ hrUserInfo.schoolName }}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="block"> |
<view class="arch-title"> |
<view class="p-title"> |
<image class="icon" src="" mode="widthFix"></image> 个人档案 |
</view> |
<uni-icons class="plus" type="plus" size="26" color="#007EFF" @click="addArch"></uni-icons> |
</view> |
<view class="archives"> |
<view v-for="(archive, i) in archivesList" :key="i" class="form-list archive" v-show="!i || showArch"> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">职业</view> |
<uni-data-picker class="picker-input" placeholder="请选择职业" popup-title="请选择职业" preload :clear-icon="false" :localdata="occupationList" v-model="archive.personalCareerId"></uni-data-picker> |
</view> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">所在国家</view> |
<view class="readonly">中国</view> |
</view> |
<view class="line" @click="showSchool(archive)"> |
<view class="name">学校名称</view> |
<view v-if="archive.schoolName" class="val">{{ archive.schoolName }}</view> |
<view v-else :class="['readonly', {val: archive.schoolName}]">{{ archive.schoolName || '请选择学校' }}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">专业学科</view> |
<uni-data-picker class="picker-input" placeholder="请选择专业学科" popup-title="请选择专业学科" preload :clear-icon="false" :localdata="subjectList" v-model="archive.disciplineId" @change="e => getItemProfessionalClass(e, i)"></uni-data-picker> |
</view> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">专业类</view> |
<uni-data-picker class="picker-input" placeholder="请选择专业类" popup-title="请选择专业类" preload :clear-icon="false" :localdata="archive.ProfessionalClassList" v-model="archive.professionalClassId" :readonly="!archive.disciplineId" @change="e => getItemProfessional(e, i)"></uni-data-picker> |
</view> |
<view class="line"> |
<view class="name">专业</view> |
<uni-data-picker class="picker-input" placeholder="请选择专业" popup-title="请选择专业" preload :clear-icon="false" :localdata="archive.ProfessionalList" v-model="archive.professionalId" :readonly="!archive.professionalClassId"></uni-data-picker> |
</view> |
<uni-icons v-if="i" class="del" type="trash" size="20" color="#ccc" @click="delArchive(i)"></uni-icons> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="fold" id="fold" v-if="archivesList.length > 1"> |
<view :class="['fold-inner', { active: showArch }]" @click="showArch = !showArch"> |
展开更多 |
<uni-icons class="icon" type="bottom" size="20" color="#007EFF"></uni-icons> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="btn-wrap"> |
<view class="btn" @click="submit">保存</view> |
</view> |
<view class="popup-mask" v-show="schoolVisible" @click="closeSchool"></view> |
<view class="popup" v-show="schoolVisible"> |
<view class="top">请选择学校</view> |
<uni-icons class="close" type="closeempty" size="20" @click="closeSchool"></uni-icons> |
<uni-search-bar class="search" radius="5" placeholder="请输入学校名称" v-model="keyword" clearButton="auto" cancelButton="none" /> |
<view class="list"> |
<view class="item" v-for="item in schoolList" @click="schoolChange(item)">{{ item.schoolName }}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import OSS from '@/libs/Oss/upload' |
import { queryProvince, queryCity, querySchool, queryUserInfoDetails, updateAvatars, courseDiscipline, courseProfessionalClass, courseProfessional, updatePersonCenter, deleteProfile } from '@/apis/modules/user.js' |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
hrUserInfo: { |
name:'', |
workNumber:'', |
password:"", |
phone:'', |
email:'', |
provinceName:'', |
cityName:'', |
schoolName:'', |
professionalName:'', |
experimentName:'', |
sex: 1, |
dateBirth: '', |
educationDegree: '', |
userId: '', |
}, |
userAccount: { |
account: '', |
}, |
sex: [{ |
text: '男', |
value: 1 |
}, { |
text: '女', |
value: 2 |
}], |
occupationList: [{ |
value: 1, |
text: '学生' |
},{ |
value: 2, |
text: '老师' |
}], |
provinces:[], |
cities: [], |
educationDegreeList: [ |
{ |
text: '专科', |
value: 1 |
}, |
{ |
text: '本科', |
value: 2 |
}, |
{ |
text: '硕士', |
value: 3 |
}, |
{ |
text: '博士', |
value: 4 |
}, |
{ |
text: '其他', |
value: 5 |
} |
], |
subjectList: [], //专业学科 |
showArch: false, |
archivesList: [], |
archivesForm: { |
personalCareerId: '', |
schoolId: '', |
schoolName: '', |
ProfessionalClassList: [], |
professionalClassId: '', |
professionalClassName: '', |
ProfessionalList: [], |
disciplineId: '', |
disciplineName: '', |
professionalId: '', |
professionalName: '', |
}, |
schoolVisible: false, |
keyword: '', |
searchTimer: null, |
schoolList: [], |
schoolListAll: [], |
curArch: {}, |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
keyword () { |
clearTimeout(this.searchTimer) |
this.searchTimer = setTimeout(() => { |
this.filterSchool() |
}, 500) |
} |
}, |
onShow() { |
this.getInfo() |
this.getProvince() |
this.getSchool() |
this.getSubject() |
}, |
methods: { |
// 获取个人信息 |
async getInfo() { |
const { result } = await queryUserInfoDetails() |
const { hrUserInfo: u, personalFileList: p } = result |
u.avatar = u.userAvatars || '' |
this.hrUserInfo = u |
uni.setStorageSync('userId', u.userId) |
this.userAccount = result.userAccount |
u.provinceId && this.getCity() |
if (p.length) { |
p.forEach(async (e, k) => { |
e.ProfessionalClassList = [] |
e.ProfessionalList = [] |
this.$set(e, 'subjectList', this.subjectList) |
this.$set(e, 'disciplineId', e.disciplineId ? e.disciplineId : '') |
this.$set(e, 'disciplineName', e.disciplineName ? e.disciplineName : '') |
this.$set(e, 'professionalClassId', e.professionalClassId ? e.professionalClassId : '') |
this.$set(e, 'professionalClassName', e.professionalClassName ? e.professionalClassName : '') |
this.$set(e, 'professionalId', e.professionalId ? e.professionalId : '') |
this.$set(e, 'professionalName', e.professionalName ? e.professionalName : '') |
this.$set(e, 'schoolId', e.schoolId ? e.schoolId : '') |
this.$set(e, 'schoolName', e.schoolName ? e.schoolName : '') |
if (e.disciplineId) { |
const { list } = await courseProfessionalClass({ disciplineId: e.disciplineId }) |
list.forEach(e => { |
e.value = e.professionalClassId |
e.text = e.professionalClassName |
}) |
this.$set(e, 'ProfessionalClassList', list) |
} |
if (e.professionalClassId) { |
const { list } = await courseProfessional({ professionalClassId: e.professionalClassId }) |
list.forEach(e => { |
e.value = e.professionalId |
e.text = e.professionalName |
}) |
this.$set(e, 'ProfessionalList', list) |
} |
}) |
this.archivesList = p |
} else { |
this.concatArch() |
} |
}, |
// 获取省份 |
async getProvince() { |
const { list } = await queryProvince() |
list.forEach(e => { |
e.value = e.provinceId |
e.text = e.provinceName |
}) |
this.provinces = list |
}, |
// 获取城市 |
async getCity(val) { |
if (this.hrUserInfo.provinceId) { |
const { list } = await queryCity({ |
provinceId: this.hrUserInfo.provinceId |
}) |
list.forEach(e => { |
e.value = e.cityId |
e.text = e.cityName |
}) |
this.cities = list |
} else { |
this.cities = [] |
} |
if (val) this.hrUserInfo.cityId = '' |
}, |
// 获取学校 |
async getSchool(){ |
const { list } = await querySchool() |
this.schoolList = list |
this.schoolListAll = list |
}, |
// 显示学校弹框 |
showSchool(item) { |
this.curArch = item |
this.schoolVisible = true |
}, |
// 学校模糊匹配 |
filterSchool() { |
const { keyword } = this |
this.schoolList = keyword ? |
this.schoolListAll.filter(e => e.schoolName.includes(keyword)) : |
this.schoolListAll |
}, |
// 关闭学校弹框 |
closeSchool() { |
this.schoolVisible = false |
this.keyword = '' |
this.schoolList = this.schoolListAll |
}, |
// 客户名称选择回调 |
schoolChange(school) { |
const { schoolId } = school |
this.curArch.schoolId = schoolId |
this.curArch.schoolName = school.schoolName |
this.closeSchool() |
}, |
// 上传头像回调 |
onChooseAvatar(e) { |
OSS(e.detail.avatarUrl, ({ url }) => { |
updateAvatars(url).then(res => { |
this.getInfo() |
}).catch(e => {}) |
}) |
}, |
foldArch() { |
this.showArch = !this.showArch |
}, |
// 获取学科类别 |
async getSubject(){ |
const { list } = await courseDiscipline() |
list.forEach(e => { |
e.value = e.disciplineId |
e.text = e.disciplineName |
}) |
this.subjectList = list |
}, |
// 清除学科类别 |
clearClass(){ |
this.archivesForm.professionalClassId = '', |
this.archivesForm.professionalId = '' |
}, |
clearItemClass(index){ |
this.archivesList[index].professionalClassId = '' |
this.archivesList[index].professionalClassName = '' |
this.archivesList[index].professionalId = '' |
this.archivesList[index].professionalName = '' |
}, |
async getItemProfessionalClass(e, index){ |
this.clearItemClass(index) |
if(e.detail.value.length){ |
const id = e.detail.value[0].value |
let obj = {} |
obj = this.subjectList.find(r =>{ |
return r.disciplineId === id |
}); |
const { list } = await courseProfessionalClass({ disciplineId: id }) |
list.forEach(e => { |
e.value = e.professionalClassId |
e.text = e.professionalClassName |
}) |
| =>{ |
if(e.disciplineId == id){ |
e.ProfessionalClassList = list |
e.disciplineName = obj.disciplineName |
} |
}) |
} |
}, |
// 清除专业类 |
clearProfess(){ |
this.archivesForm.professionalId = '' |
}, |
clearItemProfess(index){ |
this.archivesList[index].professionalId = '' |
this.archivesList[index].professionalName = '' |
}, |
async getItemProfessional(e, index){ |
this.clearItemProfess(index) |
if(e.detail.value.length){ |
const id = e.detail.value[0].value |
const { list } = await courseProfessional({ professionalClassId: id }) |
list.forEach(e => { |
e.value = e.professionalId |
e.text = e.professionalName |
}) |
| =>{ |
if(e.professionalClassId == id){ |
let obj = {} |
obj = e.ProfessionalClassList.find(r =>{ |
return r.professionalClassId === id |
}) |
e.ProfessionalList = list |
e.professionalClassName = obj.professionalClassName |
} |
}) |
} |
}, |
getItemStuGrade(item){ |
if(item){ |
| =>{ |
if(e.professionalId == item){ |
let obj = {} |
obj = e.ProfessionalList.find(r =>{ |
return r.professionalId === item; |
}) |
e.professionalName = obj.professionalName |
} |
}) |
} |
}, |
concatArch() { |
this.archivesList = this.archivesList.concat({ |
countries: '中国', |
personalCareerId: '', |
schoolId: '', |
schoolName: '', |
subjectList: this.subjectList, |
disciplineId: '', |
disciplineName: '', |
ProfessionalClassList: [], |
professionalClassId: '', |
professionalClassName: '', |
ProfessionalList: [], |
professionalId: '', |
professionalName: '', |
personalFileId: '' |
}) |
}, |
addArch() { |
let isEmpty = false |
this.archivesList.forEach((n,k) => { |
if(!n.personalCareerId) isEmpty = true |
}) |
if(isEmpty) return this.$util.errMsg('请选择职业') |
this.showArch = true |
this.$nextTick(() => { |
uni.pageScrollTo({ |
duration: 300, |
selector: '#fold' |
}) |
}) |
this.concatArch() |
}, |
delArchive(i) { |
const that = this |
uni.showModal({ |
title: '提示', |
content: '确定要删除吗?', |
success(res) { |
if (res.confirm) { |
const id = that.archivesList[i].personalFileId |
that.archivesList.splice(i, 1) |
id && deleteProfile(id) |
} |
} |
}) |
}, |
// 保存 |
async submit() { |
const { hrUserInfo: u, userAccount: a } = this |
if (!u.userName) return this.$util.errMsg('请输入姓名') |
if (u.idNumber && !/(^[1-9]\d{5}(18|19|([23]\d))\d{2}((0[1-9])|(10|11|12))(([0-2][1-9])|10|20|30|31)\d{3}[0-9Xx]$)/.test(u.idNumber)) return this.$util.errMsg('请输入正确的身份证号码') |
let personalFileList = [] |
this.archivesList.forEach((n,k) => { |
n.personalCareerId && personalFileList.push({ |
disciplineId: n.disciplineId, |
disciplineName: n.disciplineName, |
personalCareerId: n.personalCareerId, |
personalFileId: n.personalFileId, |
professionalClassId: n.professionalClassId, |
professionalClassName: n.professionalClassName, |
professionalId: n.professionalId, |
professionalName: n.professionalName, |
provinceId: n.provinceId, |
provinceName: n.provinceName, |
schoolId: n.schoolId, |
schoolName: n.schoolName, |
userId: u.userId |
}) |
}) |
const data = { |
userId: u.userId, |
hrUserInfo: { |
provinceId: u.provinceId, |
cityId: u.cityId, |
countries: '中国', |
dateBirth: u.dateBirth, |
educationDegree: u.educationDegree, |
idNumber: u.idNumber, |
schoolId: u.schoolId, |
sex:, |
userId: u.userId, |
userName: u.userName, |
wechatId: u.wechatId |
}, |
userAccount: { |
workNumber: a.workNumber, |
id: |
}, |
personalFileList, |
} |
updatePersonCenter(data) |
this.$util.sucMsg('保存成功') |
setTimeout(() => { |
uni.switchTab({ |
url: '/pages/person/person' |
}) |
}, 1500) |
}, |
} |
} |
</script> |
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