You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
239 lines
7.1 KiB
239 lines
7.1 KiB
<template> |
<!-- 催收业务 --> |
<view> |
<mescroll-body ref="mescrollRef" @init="mescrollInit" @down="downCallback" @up="upCallback" :up="upOption" @scroll="scroll" @topclick="topClick"> |
<view class="cu-bar bg-white search" :class="scrolltop ? 'fixed' : ''" :style="[{top:CustomBar + 'px'}]"> |
<view class="search-form round"> |
<input @input="searchList" v-model="listParams.customerNumberOrName" type="text" placeholder="客户姓名/编号" confirm-type="search"></input> |
<text class="cuIcon-search"></text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view id="tabInList"> |
<me-tabs v-model="searchTab" :tabs="serachTabs" @change="searchTabChange"></me-tabs> |
</view> |
<view class="cu-list menu-avatar"> |
<view class="cu-item" :class="modalName=='move-box-'+ index?'move-cur':''" v-for="(item,index) in listData" :key="index" |
@touchstart="ListTouchStart" @touchmove="ListTouchMove" @touchend="ListTouchEnd" :data-target="'move-box-' + index"> |
<view class="good-list"> |
<view class="charge" :id="'index-' +" :data-index=""> |
<navigator hover-class='none' :url="watchShow?'/workBenchPages/pages/callInALoanSee/callInALoanSee?item='+JSON.stringify(item):''" |
class="nav-li" navigateTo :style="[{animation: 'show ' + ((index+1)*0.2+1) + 's 1'}]"> |
<view class="charge-title flex-between"> |
<text>{{}}</text> |
</view> |
<view class="charge-text"> |
<view> |
<text>业务编号:</text> |
<text class="mgl30">{{item.code }}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<text>客户名称:</text> |
<text class="mgl30">{{}}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<text>联系电话:</text> |
<text class="mgl30">{{}}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<text>业务类别:</text> |
<text class="mgl30">{{item.type }}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<text>担保额度(元):</text> |
<text class="mgl30">{{item.amount }}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<text>逾期期数:</text> |
<text class="mgl30">{{item.overduePeriods }}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<text>逾期额度(元):</text> |
<text class="mgl30">{{item.overdueAmount }}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<text>逾期利息(元):</text> |
<text class="mgl30">{{item.overdueInterest }}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<text>所属部门:</text> |
<text class="mgl30">{{item.department }}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<text>催收次数:</text> |
<text class="mgl30">{{item.numberOfCollection }}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<text>状态:</text> |
<text class="mgl30">{{item.statusVal }}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</navigator> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</mescroll-body> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import MescrollMixin from "@/components/mescroll-uni/mescroll-mixins.js"; |
export default{ |
mixins: [MescrollMixin], // 使用mixin |
data() { |
return { |
// 保后管理的tab |
serachTabs:[ |
{name:'全部', num:1, y:0, curPageLen:0, hasNext:true}, |
{name:'还款中', num:1, y:0, curPageLen:0, hasNext:true}, |
{name:'已逾期', num:1, y:0, curPageLen:0, hasNext:true}, |
{name:'已还清', num:1, y:0, curPageLen:0, hasNext:true}, |
{name:'已结项', num:1, y:0, curPageLen:0, hasNext:true} |
], |
searchTab:0, |
stagridCol: 2, |
gridBorder: false, |
tabIndex: 0, // 当前菜单下标 |
preIndex: 0, // 前一个菜单下标 |
navTop: null, // nav距离到顶部的距离 (如计算不准确,可直接写死某个值) |
isShowSticky: false, // 是否悬浮 |
TabCur: 0, |
scrollLeft: 0, |
CustomBar: this.CustomBar, |
listCurID: '', |
listData: [], |
status:'',// 状态 |
total: 1, |
scrolltop: false, |
listTouchStart: 0, |
listTouchDirection: null, |
modalName: null, |
statusType:[ |
'还款中','已逾期','已还清','已结项' |
], |
watchShow:false |
}; |
}, |
created() { |
let arr = uni.getStorageSync('routerArr') |
if(arr.join().includes('催收记录')){ |
this.watchShow = true |
} |
}, |
onShow() { |
this.upCallback({ |
num:1,size:10 |
}) |
}, |
methods:{ |
// tab切换 |
searchTabChange(e){ |
if(e==0)this.status = '' |
else this.status = e |
this.upCallback({ |
num:1,size:10 |
}) |
}, |
/*下拉刷新的回调 */ |
downCallback() { |
// 这里加载你想下拉刷新的数据, 比如刷新轮播数据 |
// loadSwiper(); |
// 下拉刷新的回调,默认重置上拉加载列表为第一页 (自动执行 page.num=1, 再触发upCallback方法 ) |
this.mescroll.resetUpScroll() |
}, |
/*上拉加载的回调: 其中page.num:当前页 从1开始, page.size:每页数据条数,默认10 */ |
upCallback(page) { |
this.$http.get('/api-guarantee/al-collection/list',{ |
page: page.num?page.num:1, |
size: page.size?page.size:10, |
status:this.status?this.status:'', |
|'' |
}).then(res => { |
if(page.num == 1) this.listData = []; //如果是第一页需手动制空列表 |
| =>{ |
e.statusVal = this.statusType[e.status-1] |
}) |
this.listData = this.listData.concat(; //追加新数据 |
this.mescroll.endSuccess(; // 隐藏加载状态栏 |
}).catch(()=>{ |
//联网失败, 结束加载 |
this.mescroll.endErr(); |
}) |
}, |
// 搜索框--结合防抖 |
searchList(e){ |
let that = this |
if (this.timer) { |
clearTimeout(this.timer); |
this.timer = null; |
} |
this.timer = setTimeout(function () { |
that.upCallback({num:1,size:10,search:e.detail.value}) |
},800) |
}, |
// ListTouch触摸开始 |
ListTouchStart(e) { |
this.listTouchStart = e.touches[0].pageX |
}, |
// ListTouch计算方向 |
ListTouchMove(e) { |
this.listTouchDirection = e.touches[0].pageX - this.listTouchStart > 0 ? 'right' : 'left' |
}, |
// ListTouch计算滚动 |
ListTouchEnd(e) { |
if (this.listTouchDirection == 'left') { |
this.modalName = |
} else { |
this.modalName = null |
} |
this.listTouchDirection = null |
}, |
// 抄送请去PC |
// 还款记录 |
// repayment(item){ |
// // 携带参数跳转页面 |
// let data = JSON.stringify(item) |
// uni.navigateTo({ |
// url: '/workBenchPages/pages/afterLoanSee/afterLoanSee?item='+data |
// }) |
// } |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
.cu-bar .search-form{ |
border: 2rpx solid #00B9FF; |
border-radius: 20rpx; |
background-color: #fff; |
margin: 0 50rpx; |
height: 72rpx; |
line-height: 72rpx; |
margin-top: 20rpx; |
input{ |
height: 72rpx; |
line-height: 72rpx; |
padding: 0 40rpx; |
} |
.cuIcon-search{ |
margin: 0 20rpx; |
} |
} |
.add-customer{ |
padding: 0 50rpx; |
button{ |
background-color: #00B9FF; |
border-radius: 30rpx; |
.mar-icon{ |
margin-right: 10rpx; |
} |
} |
} |
.sideBtn{ |
display: flex; |
flex-wrap: wrap; |
justify-content: space-around; |
} |