You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

505 lines
16 KiB

<view class="page">
<template v-for="c in courses">
<view v-if="c.list.length && c.list.filter(e => !e.edited).length" class="block">
<view class="type-wrap">
<view class="l-title">{{ }}</view>
<view class="batch">
<input class="deadline" type="number" v-model="c.deadline" placeholder="批量输入" @change="batchDeadlineChange(c)">
<view :class="['unit', {placeholder: c.unit === ''}]" @click="batchUnitChange(c)">{{ c.unit !== '' ? units.find(e => === c.unit).text : '请选择' }}</view>
<uni-icons class="arrow" type="top" size="20" color="#007EFF" @click="toggle(c)"></uni-icons>
<view v-show="!c.shrink">
<template v-for="(item, i) in c.list">
<view v-if="!item.edited" :key="i">
<view class="pro-name">
<view class="left">
<image class="icon" :src="$util.getIcon(item)" mode="widthFix"></image>
{{ item.productName }}
<uni-icons class="del" type="trash" size="25" color="#ADADAD" @click="delCourse(c, i)"></uni-icons>
<view class="form-list">
<view class="line">
<view class="name">产品类型</view>
<view class="val">{{ item.typeName }}</view>
<view :class="['line req', {err: err === 'periodOfUse' + item.dataOrCourseId + item.authority}]">
<view class="name">使用期限</view>
<input class="period" type="number" v-model="item.periodOfUse" placeholder="请输入" @input="dateChange(item, !item.authority)" @change="handleErr(item, 'periodOfUse')">
<view class="val unit" @click="selectUnit(item)">
<text>{{ units.find(e => === item.options).text }}</text>
<image class="icon" src="@/static/image/arrow-down.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
<view :class="['line req', {err: err === 'startTime' + item.dataOrCourseId + item.authority}]">
<view class="name">起止日期</view>
<uni-datetime-picker type="date" v-model="item.startTime" :border="false" @change="dateChange(item)">
<view :class="['ph', {val: item.startTime}]">
{{ item.endTime ? item.startTime + ' - ' + item.endTime : item.startTime}}
<view :class="['line req', {err: err === 'accountNum' + item.dataOrCourseId + item.authority}]">
<view class="name">数量</view>
<view v-if="item.authority" class="val">1</view>
<input v-else type="number" v-model="item.accountNum" placeholder="请输入账号数量" @input="calcFinalPrice(item)" @change="handleErr(item, 'accountNum')">
<view class="line">
<view class="name">{{ item.authority ? '市场价' : '市场单价' }}</view>
<view class="val">{{ item.marketValue }}元</view>
<view class="line">
<view class="name">结算价</view>
<view class="val">{{ item.settlementPrice && item.settlementPrice + '元' }}</view>
<view class="line">
<view class="name">折扣率</view>
<view class="val">{{ item.discountRate }}</view>
<view class="line">
<view class="name">市场服务费</view>
<view class="val">{{ item.serviceFee }}元</view>
<view :class="['line req', {err: err === 'finalPrice' + item.dataOrCourseId + item.authority}]">
<view class="name">成交价</view>
<view class="inline">
<input type="number" v-model="item.finalPrice" placeholder="请输入" @input="calcFinalValue(item)" @change="handleErr(item, 'finalPrice')">
<view class="btn-wrap">
<view class="btn" @click="submit">确定</view>
import { getOrderOtherTime, queryCitySettlementPrice, renew } from '@/apis/modules/order.js'
import { getPartnerTeamRates } from '@/apis/modules/parner.js'
import { productTypeList } from '@/apis/modules/product.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
orderType: 1,
customerId: '',
action: '',
provinceId: '',
cityId: '',
timer: null,
units: [{
text: '日',
id: 0
}, {
text: '月',
id: 1
}, {
text: '年',
id: 2
unitText: ['日', '月', '年'],
courses: {} , // 上一页缓存的产品
orderRepeat: [],
repeatMsg: '',
err: '',
rate: '',
submiting: false,
onShow() {
const pages = getCurrentPages()
const { options } = pages[pages.length - 1]
this.orderType = options.orderType
this.customerId = options.customerId
this.action = options.action
this.provinceId = options.provinceId
this.cityId = options.cityId
methods: {
// 转换产品列表
async handleProduct() {
const list = uni.getStorageSync('courses')
let courses = {}
// 产品分类
productTypeList().then(res => {
res.typeList.forEach(e => {
courses['list' + e.typeId] = {
shrink: false,
name: e.typeName,
deadline: '',
unit: '',
list: []
const { provinceId, cityId } = this
const isTrial = this.orderType == 2 e => {
// 查询产品管理设置的平台结算价
if (provinceId) {
const res = await queryCitySettlementPrice(e.mallId, provinceId, cityId)
if (res.mallPrice) e.settlementPriceUnit = res.mallPrice.discountRate || 0
// 查询该产品的到期时间
const res = await renew({
authority: e.authority,
customerId: this.customerId,
productId: [e.mallId]
const item = res.orderOthers
if (item && item.length) {
let date = new Date(item[0].endTime)
date = new Date(date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1))
e.startTime = this.$util.formatDate(date, 'yyyy-MM-dd')
// 试用默认赋值1月后,需要计算结束日期
if (isTrial) {
this.calcDate(e, !e.authority)
courses['list' + e.typeId].list.push(e)
}) = courses
}).catch(e => {})
// 批量设置产品时间
batchDeadlineChange (c) { => {
e.periodOfUse = c.deadline
this.calcDate(e, !e.authority)
// 批量设置产品期限单位
batchUnitChange(c) {
const that = this
title: '标题',
itemList: that.unitText,
success: ({ tapIndex }) => {
if (tapIndex !== '') {
c.unit = tapIndex => {
e.options = tapIndex
that.calcDate(e, !e.authority)
// 单个产品选择年月日
selectUnit(item) {
const that = this
title: '标题',
itemList: that.unitText,
success: ({ tapIndex }) => {
if (tapIndex !== '') {
item.options = tapIndex
showUnit(i) {
// 收缩产品
toggle(c) {
c.shrink = !c.shrink
// 删除课程
delCourse(c, i) {
title: '提示',
content: '确定要删除吗?',
success(res) {
res.confirm && c.list.splice(i, 1)
// 使用期限输入回调
dateChange(row, fromData) {
this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
this.calcDate(row, fromData)
}, 500)
// 使用期限转换以及计算剩余天数
calcDate(row, fromData) {
const { periodOfUse, options } = row
let optionsData = 0
if (periodOfUse) {
if (options == 1){
optionsData = periodOfUse === '12' ? 31536000000 : periodOfUse*30*24*60*60*1000
} else if (options == 2){
optionsData = periodOfUse*365*24*60*60*1000
} else {
optionsData = periodOfUse*24*60*60*1000
let time = new Date(row.startTime).getTime()
let endTime = time + optionsData
let dt = new Date(endTime)
row.endTime = (dt.getFullYear()) + "-" + (dt.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + (dt.getDate())
let endYear = endTime - time
let endYears = endYear/1000/60/60/24
row.remainingPeriod = endYears
const unit = row.options // 使用期限单位
const useUnit = row.periodOfUse // 使用期限
// 计算市场价
const price = row.marketPrice // 市场单价
// 结算单价是元/年,所以如果选择的不是年,要进行换算(日:/365,月:/12)
row.marketValue = (!unit ?
price / 365 * useUnit :
unit === 1 ?
price / 12 * useUnit :
price * useUnit).toFixed(2)
// 只有改变了起止日期才需要调接口查询订单,该接口作用是把开始时间传过去,会返回一个提示或者时间,如果是时间,则把时间+1天,如果是提示,则无法保存
if (!fromData) {
const cId = row.dataOrCourseId
const date = new Date(row.startTime)
const orderRepeat = this.orderRepeat
authority: row.authority,
customerId: this.customerId,
id: cId,
startTime: this.$util.formatDate(date, 'yyyy-MM-dd'),
endTime: row.endTime
}).then(res => {
orderRepeat.includes(cId) && orderRepeat.splice(orderRepeat.findIndex(e => e == cId), 1)
if (res.endTime) {
let time = new Date(res.endTime)
time = new Date(time.setDate(time.getDate() + 1))
row.startTime = this.$util.formatDate(time, 'yyyy-MM-dd')
}).catch(res => {
this.repeatMsg = res.message
orderRepeat.includes(cId) || orderRepeat.push(cId)
// 折扣率
// 计算结算价及平台服务费
dealSettlePrice(row) {
// 如果是试用或者没选择,结算价和平台服务费都是0
if (this.orderType != 1) {
row.settlementPrice = 0
row.serviceFee = 0
} else {
const unit = row.options // 使用期限单位
const useUnit = row.periodOfUse // 使用期限
let sPrice = ''
// 结算单价。计算规则:结算单价(**元/年)*购买时长(单位年)*数量(课程为1,数据为账号数量)
const priceUnit = row.settlementPriceUnit
sPrice = ((!unit ?
priceUnit / 365 * useUnit :
unit === 1 ?
priceUnit / 12 * useUnit :
priceUnit * useUnit) * (row.authority ?
1 :
row.settlementPrice = this.$util.handleNaN(sPrice)
// 平台服务费
if (row.settlementPrice) {
row.serviceFee = (row.finalPrice * (this.rate / 100)).toFixed(2)
// 查询合伙人团队费率
getRate() {
teamId: uni.getStorageSync('team').teamId
}).then(({ teamRates }) => {
this.rate = teamRates.annualMarketingFee || 0
}).catch(res => {})
// 计算折扣率
calcDiscount(row) {
const price = row.authority ? row.finalPrice : row.finalValue
const { marketValue } = row
// (原价-现价)÷原价 x100%
if (price) row.discountRate = marketValue != 0 ? ((marketValue - price) / marketValue * 100).toFixed(2) + '%' : '0%'
// 成交价修改后,计算成交单价,数据才需要 计算规则:成交价/账号数/时间(成交单价为元/账号/年,所以时间要换算成年的单位去计算)
calcFinalValue(row) {
this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
const { authority, periodOfUse, options, accountNum, finalPrice } = row
if (!authority && periodOfUse && accountNum && finalPrice) {
row.finalValue = (finalPrice / accountNum / periodOfUse).toFixed(2)
// 折扣率
}, 500)
// 计算成交价。计算规则:成交单价*账号数*时间(成交单价为元/账号/年,所以时间要换算成年的单位去计算)
calcFinalPrice(row) {
this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
const { finalValue, accountNum, periodOfUse, finalPrice } = row
if (periodOfUse) {
if (accountNum) {
// 有成交单价,则成交价=成交单价*账号数*时间
if (finalValue) {
row.finalPrice = Math.round(finalValue * periodOfUse * accountNum)
} else if (!finalValue && finalPrice) {
// 有成交价,没有成交单价,则成交单价=成交价/账号数/时间
row.finalValue = (finalPrice / periodOfUse / accountNum).toFixed(2)
} else if (finalValue && finalPrice && !row.authority) {
// 有成交价、成交单价,没有数量,则数量=成交价/时间/成交单价
row.accountNum = Math.floor(finalPrice / periodOfUse / finalValue)
}, 500)
// 处理错误提示
handleErr(e, val) {
if (val + e.dataOrCourseId + e.authority === this.err) this.err = ''
// 确定
submit() {
if (this.submiting) return false
const { courses } = this
const list = []
let msg = ''
// 全部产品push到一个数组,方便校验
for (const i in courses) {
// 必填校验
for (const i in list) {
const e = list[i]
const suf = e.dataOrCourseId + '' + e.authority
if (e.periodOfUse === '') {
this.err = 'periodOfUse' + suf
msg = '请输入使用期限!'
if (e.options === '') {
this.err = 'accountNum' + suf
msg = '请选择期限!'
if (!e.startTime) {
this.err = 'startTime' + suf
msg = '请选择起止日期!'
if (e.accountNum === '') {
this.err = 'accountNum' + suf
msg = '请输入数量!'
if (e.finalPrice === '') {
this.err = 'finalPrice' + suf
msg = '请输入成交价!'
if (msg) return this.$util.errMsg(msg)
if (this.orderRepeat.length) return this.$util.errMsg(this.repeatMsg) // 有重复订单不能提交
this.submiting = true
title: '加载中'
list.forEach(e => {
e.edited = 1 // 未编辑过的标识,编辑过了的产品在编辑产品页不再显示
url: `../orderDetail/orderDetail?edited=1`
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